
Happy Runners and Working Out

I haven’t written about my exercise journey for the last two weeks. When I begin things I get really excited about them. And then, it’s not the my excitement necessarily tapers off, but moreso that I just don’t know what to say because, well, I guess certain things just become part of your life and then they are mundane.

I love food, but I don’t tell you about it all the time because it’s just eating. I love working with my clients and telling stories, but I don’t talk about it all the time because it’s work. I love being with my kids, but I don’t tell you about it because I’m just being a mom. This type of thinking has really shattered everything inside of me recently. There are so many beautiful things in this world-so many things that we need to share with each other-and we just pass them off as ordinary. When really, that’s what is extraordinary.

I really began to think about this when I was taking pictures at the Donut Dash a few weekends ago. Yes, some people like to run. But the majority of us would pass on running. It seems, though, that every time I’m at a running event, the runners are exceptionally happy. They will pass and give a thumbs up or they will show off their personality.

There were quite a few people who passed by in the first group and just showed me how happy there were to be out running. And I thought, wow, that’s what I want to be-happy-like that. Happy like even when I’m doing the one thing I hate the most that I can look at someone else and share my joy with them because I know that I’ve made it through the hard part-getting started-and am almost at the finish line.

So, I’ve taken up running. Do I have a goal? Yes, get out of bed and run. That’s it right now. We have a nice path extension leading up to our subdivision now. It’s really nice to be able to hop on that without running along the highway to get to Lake of the Woods park where I can use those paths and roadways peacefully.

I’m running on Tuesday and Thursdays to supplement the days I’m not working out at Curves. I do still enjoy going to workout at Mahomet Curves. There are a couple things I’ve noticed recently that I want to share with you.

I have nightmares. I have my whole life and it’s something that not only scars me at night, but follows me during the day, too. So, sleep is often hard and restless for me. I haven’t been setting my alarm lately because I’m just trying to get in as much sleep as I can. This means that I’ve missed working out with my friends at 5:45 a.m.

Instead, I stroll in around 6:08 or 6:16. What I like about the way that Curves is set up is that if I miss that 5:45 slot, I don’t have to wait for another class or instructor to be there for me to begin my workout. I just jump in where everyone else is and then when they finish, they leave and I can finish my workout.

What I will also say is that when I work out at 6:08 a.m., I miss working out with my friends. I can do the workouts on my own, and Karen Metzger has been there to coach me and push me when I’m slacking, but there’s something about the camaraderie of working out with other women. So, next week I will set my alarm because what’s 20 minutes of sleep anyway?

I’ve been slightly proud of myself while not on the same circuit as everyone else, though. By the time I get around the circle one and a half times, I begin to think, well, no one has been watching me the whole time so I could quit a few machines short and get out of here earlier. Or when I am in the plank position, moving up and down with my arms, no one will notice if I rotate my hips. But this little voice of reason comes in and says, Dani, you’re only cheating yourself there. I become a liar and a quitter. And while I really feel like giving up on some things right now, I’m just trying not to become a quitter. Also, I hate lying.

I think I’m going to enjoy adding some variety to my workout. I still really want to workout at Curves because I’m seeing results. I lost another pound and a half in February, and a few people have told me about how they see my body changing. We will see what running does for me.

My daughter also takes yoga from Kristina Reese, and yesterday she invited me to do a beginning yoga class on Saturday morning. Of course, in great Dani fashion, I said no…I’m having trouble fitting everything into my life. And I am. But my massage therapist told me that my piriformis is very tight, so yoga might be a nice addition to my weekly workout. I’m going to email Kristina right now to see what time the class is.


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