Mahomet Area Youth Club
MAYC programming is not funded by federal or state aid. Their funding for serving Mahomet-Seymour students predominantly comes from donations, sponsorships, and events.
Since the community is their biggest source of funds,they take very seriously the stewardship of those funds. The club has been recognized for their low cost to serve youth, which means that they help hundreds of youth per year for significantly less money than other organizations that have much larger budgets.
Please consider making a donation. It can be as simple as funding a youth in the BLAST Program, buying clubhouse snacks, or donating paper goods. They can develop the youth in the community to reach their fullest potential because of supporters like you.
Mahomet Helping Hands
Mahomet Helping Hands distributes on the third Saturday of the month from 9-11:30 a.m. Changes have been made to the pickup policy; people aren’t allowed in the building and have to schedule a pickup time.
Giving a donation to Helping Hands can leverage to feed families by purchasing food through the Eastern Illinois Food Bank. Checks can be sent directly to Helping Hands at PO BOX 250 Mahomet, IL 61853.
Mom’s Pantry
Mom’s Pantry, located in the Mahomet-Seymour CAIR Center behind the high school will be open Sunday nights from 5:30-7:30 to anyone with a student enrolled in the MS school district.
Contact 217.586.7672 or to make a donation.
Mahomet Community Relief Fund
The Mahomet Community Emergency Fund exists to give a one-time emergency financial gift to families/individuals in need who live in the Mahomet school district. It is funded by generous donations from local community, business and church leaders.
Anyone who lives in the Mahomet-Seymour school district can apply. The gifts are awarded based on need (one per family).
Your tax deductible gift will be given directly to those in need, right here in Mahomet, IL.
It Takes a Village
It Takes a Village Central IL is dedicated to providing free clothing and household items to those in need in Central IL. We also host an annual free Christmas Giveaway to those in need during the holiday.
Mahomet Town and Country Women’s Club
A women’s club in Mahomet, IL dedicated to serving and strengthening the community of Mahomet, raising money for local organizations, and creating lasting friendships among community women.
For more information about donations contact
Friends of the Mahomet Public Library
Friends of the Mahomet Public Library (FMPL) is a volunteer organization whose purpose is to provide financial and other support for programs, collections, and the public use of the Mahomet Public Library.
FMPL supports the Library by:
- Funding the technology center.
- Supporting library services, including the coffee station, reading programs for all ages, and Zinio digital magazines.
- Donating equipment, including a U.S. Flag for the Edgar Meeting Room, a digital camera, a laminator, poster sign stands, and a portable P.A. system.
- Volunteering at special library events.
- Donating annually to the library’s Endowment Fund.
Champaign County Forest Preserve Foundation
The Forest Preserve Friends Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized for charitable and educational purposes. The Foundation supports the facilities, programs, services, goals and mission of the Champaign County Forest Preserve District. In turn, it generates grant support and collaborative relationships with other agencies.
Your contributions to the Foundation support the projects and activities at the Champaign County Forest Preserve District. Whether helping to acquire land, maintain natural and recreational areas, provide educational experiences, or preserve the County’s natural and cultural resources, your gift will touch the lives of generations to come.
Give Me 5
The Mahomet-Seymour Give Me Five food program provides bags of food to students who are in need. Since the COVID-19 crisis the program has helped 20-percent more students.
Lincoln Trail Cares Closet
The Lincoln Trail Elementary Cares Closet provides students in grades 3 through 5 who need clothing with options.
Mahomet Lions Club
Service organization sponsoring a variety of activities including the Mahomet Festival, Candy Day and other community initiatives. Mail donations to PO Box 587Mahomet, IL 61853.
Champaign County CASA
Imagine being a child with parents who can’t—or won’t—take care of you. Into your life come dozens of strangers: police, foster parents, social workers, judges, lawyers, and more. You need help, but where can you turn? Now, imagine a trained, committed, court-appointed advocate who speaks up for you, stands by your side, argues for your best interests—until the case is closed. That’s what it means to be a CASA.
Champaign Crisis Nursery
Crisis Nursery creates an “Island of Safety” dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect by providing 24-hour emergency care for children and support to strengthen families in crisis.
Crisis Nursery is the only emergency-based child care facility in Champaign County that is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for the entire community to access with no fees or income eligibility. Besides safe shelter for children, ages birth through six, we also provide family support and parenting education to strengthen parenting skills and confidence. We believe that asking for help is a sign of strength.
C-U at Home
Your generous gift allows C-U at Home to provide overnight shelter for male and female friends without an address, transitional housing, transportation, 24-hour street outreach, the Phoenix daytime drop-in center, the C-U at Work program and more!
Join the Hope Givers Community by becoming a new monthly donor! A gift of $40 a month will help cover the operating cost for a night of emergency shelter as they work to keep year-round shelter a permanent reality in C-U.