
Getting to Know You: Mahomet’s Dustin Sears

Editor’s Note: We have been apart for nearly a month, but at the Mahomet Daily we wanted to find a way to bring people together. We will be sending “Getting to Know You” questions out, and then posting the answers here on a regular basis! If you’d like to participate email dani@mahometnews.com.

Dustin Sears

What are your top 3 favorite movies?
Elf, Step Brothers, and Wedding Crashers

Have you played any good board games lately?
Yahtzee, and Uno Attack

What are two things that you are really happy that you get to do right now?
Spend time with my wife and kids, and video game a little bit

If you were to make a mixed tape, what would you put on it?
Oh this would be a difficult one. I am a huge fan of country and 90’s early 2000’s hip hop so a mix of that.

Have you ever disliked something and then changed your mind?
Sushi, at first I was indifferent about it, now I love it.

If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want?
Ohhh, this is a good one. I have some serious thoughts on each of them, but in the end I think that I would want to have the ability to hear. I think that it allows us the ability to take in more quality data.

What is your definition of “success?”
I think that success is leaving a lasting impression. I feel that making such an impact on the life of someone, so much that they refer back to it many years later is a great measure of success. As long as it is a positive impression.

If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Can’t Hurt Me, By David Goggins

You have to get takeout for dinner; where do you go and what do you get?
Filippos Pizza, and a large sausage and mushroom pizza

What do you want people to know right now?
Life is ever changing, do not think that the circumstance you are in now is the one that defines your life. Keep moving day by day and things will work for you.

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