Hi everybody! What a great month it has been! A lot of wonderful things have been going on this past month since we spoke. First, I had a little mishap and I am on crutches for a while (I had no clue fourth-grade girl’s basketball was rough, but we won that game anyway). I am proud to be a Lady Bulldog and can’t wait for next season.
This month, I had the opportunity to be a bell ringer for the Salvation Army and I was a part of one of my best friends, Paige Ferguson, event Operation Angel. Operation Angel is where she selects a family-in-need to give an amazing Christmas too. This was her second year doing this and it was amazing. The family was beyond appreciative for her golden heart. Thank you, Paige, for being such a great role model in my life.
December also concluded my fundraiser for Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals. On December 13th, I was honored to present a check to the hospital.
Here is the speech I gave when I presented this check to the Shriner’s:
Well good evening everybody! First, I want to thank Mr. Blaine for inviting me here tonight. You have done a great job this past year as the Ansar Shrine Potentate and I am blessed to have gotten to know you, and call you my friend.
Some of you may know me, some of you may not…but I am Mackenzie Bonham and I am the 2019 Little Miss of Illinois. I am 9 years old, in the 4th grade. About 2 years ago, my grandma was watching us grandkids and was talking about how she was going to tie some blankets with the Shriners Wives. OF COURSE, I asked if I could go because it sounded like fun. I promised I would behave myself (and of course I did). After that night, for over a year, I helped those ladies tie blankets for the Saint Louis Children’s Hospital. Since I helped out for so long, they all invited me to present the blankets to the hospital. I got to tour the hospital and even met some patients. One patient was a kid about my age that had a halo around her head. The doctor explained why she needed it, and how they helped her. At that point, I understood why the Shriner’s do what they do.

In 2018, I was crowned Little Miss Fisher Fair Queen. Little Misses do not have to have a platform, but I decided “why not?” and use my platform to promote this amazing hospital and the Shriners. I helped out with the paper drive, the circus…anything papa and the Shriners would let me help, I was there.
This past year, after my title as Little Miss Fisher Fair ended, I began my appointment as your 2019 Little Miss of Illinois. American Pageants appoints title holders on school grades, community involvement, and community service efforts. A lot of my community service hours have come from being involved with the Shriner’s in some way.
Now, as a state title holder, I knew I could promote Shriners and the hospitals even more.
Once again, I helped out with the paper drive, the circus, The Walk for Love, and I was the Illini Shrines security detail at every parade (ha-ha…just kidding).
I was also invited to this amazing dinner.
When I heard I was invited, I decided to say thank you by starting on a Christmas present a little early. So, in August, I took birthday and chore money, and bought some bracelets to sell for a fundraiser. These bracelets say, “I Support Shriners Hospitals” and has the toll-free number on the back of them. All the proceeds I got from these bracelets over the last 4 months, I wanted to donate to the hospital so they can continue to help these Rockstar kids. Rockstar kids like the ones I have met by hearing stories about how the Shriners helped them when they were young. Or Parents that have told me stories about what their children went through and how thankful they are that the Shriners helped them so much.
Rockstar kids, like my buddy Preston, who is the Ansar Shrine Ambassador. Because of what you all do; Preston could run around picking buckeyes with me at the Shriner Family Picnic in September.
So thank you, Shriners and Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals for doing what you do.
After asking for donations, spending hours setting up tables all over central Illinois, launching a challenge to my Facebook followers, and interviewing on the international podcast, The Freemason Podcast, I have sent out over 1000 bracelets to all 50 states, Australia, England, Mexico, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Italy. My goal when I started this fundraiser was $750.00
So tonight, I am honored to present a check to the Shriner’s Children’s hospital in the amount of $3386.14.
I want to leave you with one final quote, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”
I loved presenting that check, because I know all the wonderful things Shriner’s Hospitals will do with that money to help kids have a better future.
Until next time…be kind, be awesome, and just be yourself.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years,
Mackenzie Bonham 2019 Little Miss of Illinois