Eight youth from Mahomet’s First Baptist Church visited Green Lake, WI for a five day spiritual retreat over Christmas Break.
The annual trip usually involves outside winter game competitions such as turkey bowling or broom ball, but students were kept inside this year because of sub-zero temperatures.
Instead, they played indoor games while also taking time to learn about how to be imitators of Christ in their everyday life. Students listen to a daily message before going into small group time to discuss the topic of the day.
They also spend time in worship. This year Harvest from Troy, IL was the featured band. The First Baptist Youth will continue to talk about the topics they discuss at the retreat and continue to use the music during they time together.
“One of the big benefits is that the kids spend five days together,” Pastor Brian Romanowski said. “They are there doing everything together as a group. They get closer in their relationship with each other. They definitely experience faith in a new way when they are immersed in it for five days.”
He also said students come back inspired to read their Bible and to get closer to Jesus.