Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees advanced a resolution to accept an Engineering Service Agreement with Fehr Graham & Associates LLC for the East Street lift station forcemain rerouting Tuesday night.
The project, which was approved in the 2021-2025 Capital Improvements Plan, should total $370,000. The agreement with Fehr Graham & Associates, which includes design, bidding and construction inspection comes to $40,000.
The lift station, located at the south end of East Street, just north of the pedestrian bridge, was part of the original sanitary sewer system constructed in 1962. The original pump station was replaced in 1996.
The flow from the lift station is directed west to Lombard St. to the interceptor sewer at Sangamon and Center street mixing with all the flow from the north and west portions of the Village.
In extreme weather conditions, the combination of flows causes surges at the interceptor sewer. The proposed project re-routes the discharge through Barber Park discharging into the Interceptor sewer just north of the treatment plant or directly to the plant therefore bypassing the flows from the upstream sewer.
The Village indicated that a secondary benefit of this project is that it would allow for future growth from the north part of the Village boundaries.