Mahomet Chamber Award Winners
Business of the Year–P&P Heating and Cooling
Emerging Business of the Year–Core Concepts
Community Impact–The Open Room
Ann Paul Community Servant–Mark Kesler
Lyn Ferdinand Volunteer of the Year–Michael Hernandez
Ambassador of the Year–George Schoonover
NOTE: The Mahomet Daily will feature each of these winners in upcoming days.
Former Mahomet-Seymour athletes Ross Mansfield and Brennen Shobe have been teammates in business the past four years.
They are not only surviving during the COVID-19 era, but they are also thriving.
Their late 2018 start-up business, Core Concepts, was recognized on Thursday night (March 31) as the Emerging Business of the Year by the Mahomet Area Chamber of Commerce in an awards banquet at the Champaign Holiday Inn.
“It is really impressive that we are able to start a business from the ground up and be able to be considered,” Mansfield said. “We have worked harder on the business than anyone could imagine.
“From using all of our savings and not taking paychecks in the beginning to working 24 hours straight in a snowstorm (in February), the work has paid off.”
Core Concepts handles a lot of landscaping (including installs) and concrete jobs, such as driveways, patios, and some sidewalks.
“We offer new construction grade work and landscape beds, but also do simple rock, plant, and mulch installs as well,” Shobe said.
The business name was chosen, Shobe said, to be unique.
“Core like the earth and concept as far as a new and different design,” he said.
They found it best to ease their way into the market.
“One of the best tools for getting our name out was (originally) offering mowing services,” Shobe said. “It got us in the door of a lot of people and that really helped out our business.
“Also, with Mahomet Landscapes focusing more on tree work, they were able to help us with questions that we had and helped us get a good start on our business.”
Shobe was unsure about a career path when he graduated from M-S in 2017.
“I didn’t even want to go to college right out of high school, but I ended up going to Parkland and getting my business management degree,” he said.
Mansfield, who graduated from M-S in 2016, enrolled at Decatur’s Millikin University in the nursing program.
He currently works with Core Concepts as well as serving as a paramedic for Advanced Medical Transport.
“I started the business (Core Concepts) during College with Brennen,” Mansfield said.
The two young men became friends during their early years in high school.
“Brennen and I have been business-minded from the day we met,” Mansfield said. “If you would come into his dad’s garage after (track) practice on a weekday, there is a 100 percent chance there was a Silverado getting worked on so we could flip it.
“Brennen and I have been going on projects and investments for over eight years now.”
The success in their other endeavors led to the plan to create a business partnership.
“We had teamed up on a lot of buying and selling and small investments,” Shobe said. “We didn’t come up with the business idea until a few years after high school. It wasn’t a thought then.”
After each individual had worked for some Mahomet landscapers, they decided to venture forward on their own.
“I really wanted to go into business for myself because I like to take charge and have the freedom of not working a normal job,” Shobe said. “The business has grown very well by not only numbers, but also by skillset.
“I have learned so much and am excited to start our fourth full season. I don’t have an exact favorite part of my job because I enjoy it all. I enjoy meeting with new people, the office work, and especially going out and tackling projects.”
Though their shop is in Mansfield, on Route 150, Ross Mansfield and Shobe do much of their work in and around Mahomet.
“I like working in Mahomet because it is where I grew up,” Mansfield said. “I have a person for everything. If I need my car fixed, I know a guy. If I need to get a load of dirt, I know a guy.
“It’s the small-town community where you really rely on your friends to make your business successful. Trading favors is key.”

Working in his hometown is a plus, Shobe said.
“I love working in Mahomet,” he said. “Everyone is friendly, and we have a great and ever-expanding community.”
Their typical work season is from March until December, depending on the temperatures.
“We do snow removal in the winter,” Shobe said, “but we do get a good 10-week break other than when it snows.”
The best part of the job, Shobe said, is the variety.
“Our work days vary so much depending on the projects that we are on,” he said. “Most days our crew meets at our shop in Mansfield and goes over the daily agenda. Then we load up our trucks and trailers with all the equipment we need and head to the jobsite.
“Some days we will excavate for a patio and other days we will run quite a few material deliveries and do landscape installs. That is what I love about landscaping. It’s always different.”
Mansfield echoed Shobe’s analysis of the job, and added: “My favorite part about the business is getting to know people. I love networking and getting to know all of our clients.”
As they get more established, they may slightly alter their course.
“We have noticed over the years that narrowing in on specialty work is a big goal of ours, and we continue to work towards that goal,” Shobe said.
Besides Mansfield and Shobe, Core Concepts employs two other full-time workers and three part-timers.
“When we started, it was Brennen and I with two guys that were part/full time,” Mansfield said. “I haven’t wanted to add a lot of extra employees because I am happy with the size of the business.”
Away from work, both Mansfield and Shobe have interests that keep them outside.
“If I am not at work, I am on a mountain bike or on the lake,” Mansfield said. “I work hard, but also like to have fun.
“Brennen and I also took up skiing this year, going to three different parks across the U.S. to fine-tune our skills.”
Added Shobe: “I love going out on our boat in the summertime and skiing in the wintertime. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family.”
Other finalists in the Emerging Business Category were Kolby Jackson Country Financial and Lazer’s Edge. The category focuses on businesses that have shown tremendous growth and vision during the past three years.