
Easter Weekend Church Schedule

PASSOVER DINNER 3/29, 6:30pm
Take part in a traditional Jewish Passover meal with a specific purpose of pointing us to Jesus Christ. No cost to attend. Register by calling: 217-586-5165
Potluck dinner to follow the Passover service.
GOOD FRIDAY 3/30, 6:00-8:30pm
There is nothing we can add to what has been done. Join us for a special, on your own, silent service where you walk through Jesus’ final hours, towards the cross of Christ. For each of us, we must walk this alone in order to walk through it together. Everyone is invited to partake in this!
FAMILY BREAKFAST 4/1, 9:30-10:15am
Bring your family out for a family breakfast. Eggs, sausage, fruit and gourmet sweet rolls.
Christ has RISEN! Join us as we celebrate the greatest event in all of human history! #WowGod!
First Baptist Church of Mahomet
Maundy Thursday (3.29.2018) communion service at 7 pm.
The church will be open from 9 am to 5 pm for prayer on Good Friday.
Easter celebration is Sunday at 10:45 am

Grace Church
Good Friday Service at 7:00pm
Easter Service: 9:30am

Lake of the Woods Church
Easter Service 10:30am

Life Community Church
Easter service is at 10:00 am on Sunday

Lutheran Church of Mahomet
(3/29) Maundy Thursday — 7pm
(3/30) Good Friday — 7pm
(3/31) Easter Vigil — 7pm
(4/1) Easter Morning — 9am (breakfast at 7:30)

Mahomet Christian Church
Good Friday Service… 7:00 PM #Confused
Easter Service… 10:00 AM #AsHeSaid

Mahomet Church of the Nazarene
Easter Celebration @ 9am, followed with an Easter potluck, open to all.

Mahomet United Methodist Church
Good Friday Service at 7 pm
Easter Service : 7am8:30, and 10:45

New Beginnings Lutheran Church:
Maundy Thursday Communion 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday Tenebrae 7:00 p.m.
Easter worship 7:00 & 10:00 a.m.
Easter breakfast 8:00 a.m.
Egg hunt 9:00 a.m.

Our Lady of the Lake
Holy Thursday, March 29 (*No 8am Mass)
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 6:30pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following Mass until 11:00pm
(Please note: the east door will be open for Adorers)

Good Friday, March 30 (*No Mass)
Stations of the Cross at 3:00pm
Commemoration of the Passion at 6:30pm
Pontifical Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land

Holy Saturday, March 31
Vigil Mass at 7:30pm (*N0 5pm Mass)

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord, April 1
Masses at 8:30am and 11:00am

The Vineyard Church, Urbana
Sunday9:15 and 11am


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