
Donations to Special Olympics made in honor of McNulty

Friends and family of Sophmore Madeleine McNulty, who passed away from complications of from PCDH19 epilepsy on February 25, 2017, are selling bracelets to raise money for the Mahomet Special Olympics team.

Madeleine competed with the local Special Olympics team by participating in gymnastics, bowling and bocce ball. She participated in the Illinois State games, winning a silver medal and four gold medals, including a gold for the overall best gymnast in her division.

Donating to the Mahomet Special Olympics team honors Madeleine because while other teams require a fee, the Mahomet team is free for participants by utilizing volunteers instead of hired coaches. Donations to the organization provide items such as uniforms, practice equipment, and facility rentals if needed.

“Madeleine gained a lot of self-confidence and pride from her Special Olympic accomplishments,” Raenen Redick said. We wish Special Olympics offered dance-that she would have really loved. You should have seen her bowl! Madeleine loved to bowl!”

“Madeleine was loving and compassionate,” Redick continued. “She put everyone in front of herself. The Special Olympics team taught her so much. They were her second family. She lit up when talking about all of her friends on the team and all of her accomplishments.”

Bracelets and donations in Madeleine’s honor can be purchased by contacting Raenen Redick, Dawn McNulty, Autumn Beissmann or Karen Beissmann by email or on Facebook. Bracelets cost $2 for one and $3 for two.

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