The 2000 crosses across from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church at 501 W. State Street are more than a quiet statement.
For the committee, which developed the concept in 2007, the crosses are promoting life from conception to natural death. Parishioner Guy Christopher said the group chose to put up 2000 crosses for the 2000 abortions which were performed each day in 2007.
The group decided to keep the crosses up throughout Oct. to celebrate “Respect Life” month. With an Arlington Cemetery feel, the crosses stay up until Veteran’s Day to honor the Veterans.
In the near future, Our Lady of the Lake will replace the sign in front of the crosses to include a family, a man with Polio and an elderly couple to show that they respect all stages of life. Our Lady of the Lake also maintains “Respect Life” signs on IL 150 near Prairieview Rd. and on IL 47 N.
Families from the church and the community help put the signs up at the beginning of Oct. During a Wednesday night religious education class, students have a candlelight prayer vigil to look back on what their work represents.