
Commentary: The power of meditation

By Zainab Susi

Due to the coronavirus pandemic everyone’s life was affected in some way. We all had to change our lifestyles and our everyday thinking. What we used to enjoy daily and our sense of normalcy is gone for now. I don’t know what normal means anymore. But I know one thing for sure, the number one thing is our mental health, everything else is secondary. Nothing matters if we aren’t healthy both physically and mentally. 

Life doesn’t stop, even with a pandemic. We try to control the situation but the reality is that none of us are in control of anything, we must learn how to accept circumstances and work to move forward rather than resist. 

I have heard meditation has many benefits and is good for us. Here and there I have done for two minutes to five minutes of daily meditation and I enjoyed it. But I have never done so for more than a day or two. At some point I noticed I started losing myself and needed help. I  decided to do twenty one days of meditation. 

Every morning I found a quiet area and focused on meditation. I tried to find time when there would be no interruptions, so the early morning was best. In the beginning my mind wandered a lot, but slowly I was able to focus and started feeling much better. 

The meditation I found was through Deepak Chopra, but there are many available online. Each day he talks about centering thoughts. Those centering thoughts are simple but very powerful and basic. They are easy to focus on and helped a lot throughout the day. Slowly, each morning, I started looking forward to the meditation. There were many times I noticed I started crying, felt lighter and started to let things go. 

My unknown fear went away and in only 21 days I have learned that instead of worrying and trying to take care of everyone else I need to take care of the most important person, ME. If we don’t take charge of our own life others will run our lives instead. Most of the time that’s when we get disappointed and get hurt. 

This is just the beginning of my waking up. I have a long way to go but I am glad to say that I have started my meditation journey. It’s very powerful and beneficial. If we can control our thoughts, know those thoughts don’t define us, we realize that we are so much more. We have all the tools we need. But many times we forget and don’t remember how to use those tools. Meditation’s benefits are unlimited, it’s for all ages, it keeps us grounded and focused especially at a time when it’s very easy to lose focus. 

Many times we try to find solutions to our problems externally, but instead we should be able to find answers inside of us if we are open to it. 

Have a great meditation!

Life is beautiful! 

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