
Commentary: Resolutions in 2020

By Zainab Susi

Many people make different kinds of New Year Resolutions, sometimes we keep them and sometimes we don’t. But 2020 is a different year. It’s given us time to reflect and pay attention to who we are, how we live, and what we work for. 

It’s hard to believe how quickly 2020 is flying by; but we still have four months to go. If you couldn’t reach your goal in the last eight, please don’t be discouraged and don’t give up. Due to the gyms being closed and many people working from home, lots of people are having a hard time staying on track and achieving their goals. Last year I chose to remain active by joining the gym. I was doing hard work outs and maintaining the discipline needed for my mind, body and soul. 

Due to the coronavirus my motivation of mind, body and soul balance started to go down. Since my husband, Matt, and I couldn’t go out, travel, or be around anyone else we decided to make lemonade out of lemons. Instead of staying inside the house and feeling frustrated, we decided to do something we never thought we would be able to do. 

Back in April we started doing a daily short distance walk. Slowly but surely now we are walking 6 to 10 miles each day. We both motivated each other and with our walking we also started watching our diet too. Very quickly we started seeing good results and now each day we look forward to our walk. Matt and I were never into walking before and always focused on doing hard workouts. Now, walking is a way for us to exercise and get to spend time together. 

My whole point for sharing my above story is that you may be surprised to see what you can do. Whether you want to eat healthy, lose weight, or whatever else you desire you can still achieve your New Year Resolution. Don’t wait for something to happen but take charge of your life.  See what’s in your control and start with baby steps. We have heard and know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. The most important thing before anything we start, is to have a positive attitude and belief in oneself. 

Who knows how long it will take before we can go back to our old routine, but for now we are enjoying the moment. 

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. 

Just by walking and dieting someone dear to me lost 15 pounds. I am really proud of him. If your goal is to be healthy, stop focusing on losing weight because the more we think about losing weight the more attention we give toward the wrong food choices. Once we start making healthy choices the weight will come off. 

Here are some helpful tips: 

  1. Positive attitude. 
  2. A food journal. 
  3. Drink plenty of water. 
  4. Support/buddy system. 
  5. Enjoy what you are doing. 
  6. Observe negative self talk. 
  7. Be happy! 

Life is beautiful!

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