
Commentary: Ramadan Mubarak

By Zainab Susi

Ramadan Mubarak to all the Muslims around the world. For those who don’t know, Ramadan is an important month in the Islamic calendar. Muslims fast during the entire month as fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam (the declaration of faith, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage). The fast begins before dawn and ends at sunset. No food and no drinks are allowed. Islam’s holy book, the Quran, was sent down from heaven during this month, by the Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). 

I have great memories about Ramadan as a child growing up in Karachi. Ramadan was and is the month the family would prepare a feast and invite family, friends, neighbors to open their fast with them. I miss that time. We are blessed to have a mosque in Urbana, Illinois. There you can meet other Muslims, make friends, and open fast together. Some of us are more blessed than others. But that doesn’t make any of us better or lesser than. During this holy month of Ramadan please don’t forget the ones who are struggling. The more we give the more we receive. 

Happy Ramadan! 

Life is beautiful!

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