
Commentary: New beginnings in March

By Zainab Susi

My March 2023 goal is to free myself from fear and start fresh like spring. The reason I am choosing March as a new beginning is because I recently experienced a new beginning.

I am not the first or last woman to experience this, but awareness is important – here’s my story. For the last 36 years I have struggled with heavy bleeding during my period every month. At first, I didn’t know that heavy bleeding was abnormal. I also didn’t know that help was available. For the last 15 years I discussed this with my doctor, the doctor would take tests and ask me to try out different things that could help. I tried everything but they didn’t work for me. Sadly, it turned out that I developed fibroids on my uterus. She suggested I get a hysterectomy. I was afraid of getting surgery so I decided not to, but to suffer the pain instead. The second time the fibroids ruptured, and I bled a lot. Finally, I decided to go ahead and get the hysterectomy. On Tuesday, February 7th 2023 I had my surgery. I’m lucky to have had a very good experience. I was prepared for the worst. The anesthesia was quickly effective and I was out for the duration of the procedure. When I woke up, the surgery was complete. I wasn’t in pain at all but was feeling tired. Six hours later I was home. Today’s my 5th day post-operation and I am resting and healing day by day! 

I gave so much power to unknown fear. Just like my hysterectomy experience, many of us can let go of what is causing us to struggle and start fresh. Due to fear and anxiety we hold onto what doesn’t serve us for a very long time. We blame others and find all kinds of excuses to convince ourselves that what we’re doing is right, but refuse to face it. We know that fear has no power but we give fear power and then feel helpless. If you want to travel, start making plans to travel. If you want to start dating, start talking to people with an open mind. If you have been thinking about taking a class or switching jobs, do it. Nobody else will do it for us. Everything starts within ourselves. It isn’t easy to overcome fears, but we can do it one step at a time. March is a new month and let us all start fresh and free from fear. Let’s live the best lives we can live! 

“The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.” ~Oprah Winfrey

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