By Zainab Susi
When we think about Valentine’s day many of us think it only belongs to couples. But that’s not true, it belongs to all of us. It’s a day dedicated to showing love to another person. I feel like this year we need to give and receive love more than ever. We all know that the more we give the more we receive. Giving love to someone doesn’t cost anything, but the feeling we receive in return is priceless. Love can be expressed in many ways; by helping someone run errands, calling and just saying hello, ordering food for a friend, listening to what they have to say. The most important gift we can give someone is our full attention without passing judgment or trying to solve their issue. Showing them you are there as support, even if you can’t do anything.
I didn’t celebrate Valentine’s day as a child, but from an early age our elders taught us kids to love everyone equally. As an adult I feel like we all need to remember those lessons and show that care once again.
I love the concept of Valentine’s day, but remember that we can make someone feel special any and every day.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your family!
Life is beautiful!