
Commentary: Good Bye 2020, Hello 2021!

By Zainab Susi

2020 has felt like the longest year in recent memory, but it’s almost over and we are about to begin 2021. A new year. Sadly, the coronavirus pandemic is not over, and still countless families, workers, and businesses are struggling. My heart goes out to the people who have lost jobs, homes, and most importantly their loved ones. Everything is replaceable but people are not. 

When 2020 started, many of us were excited and looking forward to the start of a new decade. We can plan all we want but in reality none of us are in control. Alongside the sad news in 2020 we also experienced good. Many people from small towns and big cities chose to love and care for another human being. People loved their neighbors by sewing masks, delivering groceries, assisting with bills, looking after each other in whatever way they could. Many people showed their love and care by decorating their homes with beautiful Christmas decorations. I always believed it but 2020 proved that we have more good people in this world than bad. Good people who are trying to do the right thing, who truly feel compassion for another, who care for one another and show love for another human being. 

This year changed all of our lives. I hope we have learned how easily we can lose everything, even a life. We can’t go back and change the last year but we are starting a new year. Hopefully, we all have learned to appreciate more and be grateful for what we have. 2020 taught us many life lessons, now we must apply them and become a better person than we were yesterday.  

I wish you all a very Happy New Year! 

Life is beautiful!

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