By Zainab Susi
I know someone, who for many years, has been working very hard to train themself as a marathon runner. He has run many races for several years, improving his time, and last year he found out that he qualified for the Boston Marathon.
He was very excited and shared his good news with his family and started training for the marathon. But, due to the coronavirus, the Boston Marathon was canceled this year. Since he is an athlete, he didn’t stop training but kept going to keep up his hard work.
The marathon committee eventually decided to host a marathon but changed it into a virtual marathon instead. He lives in California and his family lives all over the United States.
Since the family couldn’t watch him run the race, a week before the marathon he sent this message to his family, “As I enter the last week also known as ‘ramp down’ before the Boston marathon my mileage will decrease to 16 miles total prior to Sunday’s full marathon. I am requesting that you put in the same miles running walking (biking = double the run miles) as I will. Here is my schedule:
Mon thru Wed = 3.5 miles each day
Thurs and Friday = 2.5 miles each day
Saturday = off
Sun = all 4 families individually will run and walk 6.7 miles starting at 5 am California, 7 am Illinois, 8 am Michigan. I plan to finish between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM California time. It would be great if you can all participate and finish with me …… just a little wish”.
When I read his wish I thought, what a wonderful wish and inspiring message for us all. He is going to run a marathon whether anybody watches him or not, but this way we can all be connected, supportive, and fulfill his wish.
Iman, my daughter, and I both decided to join him. The entire week we walked and ran as he recommended. On the very last day, Sunday, while he was running in California we started our 6.7 mile walk here in Mahomet. We even made our own bibs. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Before we knew it we finished our 6.7 miles. It was fun. In the beginning it was his wish, but it soon turned into a motivational force for us. His positive attitude and encouragement was very much appreciated.
We can achieve anything when we put our minds to it!