No matter how bad the situation is, there is always something we can be thankful for. Sometimes, it’s very hard to think positive and look at the bright side but remember, things could always be worse. Due to the coronavirus and its influence on all aspects of our lives, every single person got affected. We have been living with the coronavirus and all that comes with it for the majority of this year. But, here comes Thanksgiving. A day to be thankful for everyone and everything we have.
This year Thanksgiving is going to be very different from Thanksgiving in the past. We won’t be able to visit family and friends and our dinner table might look different too. But this holiday is about more than a decorated dinner table and visiting family once a year. It’s about being thankful for everything and everyone regardless of the situation.
This year was and still is a very hard year for many families. Many people can’t visit their elder parents and have lost some loved ones. Due to the economy many people have lost jobs, businesses and are struggling. My heart goes out to those people. Now more than ever we need to work together, lift each other up, and be thankful for all that we do have. Each day we have to remind ourselves that we are all in this together, let’s be kind towards each other, be positive, grateful and most importantly show love and care towards our neighbours, family and friends.
This Thanksgiving 2020 I am thankful to Dani Tietz. She gave me the opportunity to write for Mahomet Daily and to my readers for supporting me and saying very nice things to me when I see you in town. I am thankful to all of my friends near and far for being in my life, being true to me, supporting me and your friendship. Thank you to my beautiful family who’s always loving me, being kind to me and no matter what put each other’s needs first. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Let’s be grateful for what we have.
Happy thanksgiving and remember life is beautiful!
I love your articles
Well said, beautiful article! Thank you for sharing.