By Zainab Susi
This year, Ramadan and Easter are in the same month. How wonderful! Although there are negative things happening around the world, there are many more positive things happening too. Ramadan is considered a holy month in Islam, the first day started on March 23rd. It’s beautifully serendipitous that Ramadan and Easter will overlap in April. This is a great opportunity for many of us to put our differences aside and get to know more about each other. A chance to respect, celebrate and learn about each other’s cultures.
We can leave good examples to others and to our next generation who need it. I pray that all people around the world that celebrate, have a good Lent, a good Ramadan, a happy Eid, and a happy Easter.
As my readers know, my goal for last month was to let fear take control. This month I am traveling to Iceland and Ireland! When my eldest daughter asked me to go with her on this trip, I didn’t let fear of the unknown stop me, but instead I thought ‘what a great opportunity, yes’. I am going with an open mind and ready for another adventure in life with my daughter, Iman. If I am lucky I might be able to see the Northern lights!
Life is beautiful!