Earlier this month, Champaign County Board Member Jim Goss provided a lengthy, inaccurate, and derogatory interview to the Rantoul Press about myself and the other Democratic Department heads. While Mr. Goss’ interview sounded like a campaign speech, there were some parts that really stood out to me. For example, he said the newly elected countywide Democrats have “struggled mightily” and are the “most unqualified candidates ever.”
These are serious accusations and we need to take a moment to set the record straight. Mr. Goss has never spoken to me personally about any issue related to the County Board, or my office. He has ignored, or declined, numerous invitations to tour the Clerk’s Office, meet our staff, view a demonstration of our outdated and unsecure election equipment, or otherwise gather any actual facts about any issue he wants to address.
Mr. Goss was quoted saying, “Ammons was in over his head from the get.” Actually Mr. Goss, “from the get” I have been positive and committed while dealing with years of administrative neglect; an orchestrated exodus of veteran staff who left with intellectual property of the county; serious election security issues; incomplete or completely missing personnel records, a 10 year gap in staff evaluations; a culture of unfair promotion practices that left qualified female candidates overlooked while Republican party insiders/donors were fast tracked; and a voter registration program that was not maintained, causing serious issues that are documented by the State Board of Elections. Just to name a few.
And a quick point of clarification of a blatant lie told by Mr. Goss, 11 of the 14 staff members in the Clerk’s Office are AFSCME members, not “at-will employees who were likely to be fired anyway.” If Mr. Goss had any direct contact with me on this issue, he would also know that prior to being sworn in, I sent a letter to the staff making it very clear that I wanted everyone to stay, that I was interested in doing the work of serving the taxpayers, and I reassured staff that I would not hold any ill will towards any of them regardless of what may have transpired during the course of the campaign. If you look at our staff today you will find a beautiful balance and representation of Champaign County, a goal of the County Board. I am especially appreciative of the veteran staff that stayed on, they have led by example as team players, sharing their knowledge, and providing guidance and training to our newer staff members.
Under my leadership we have been able to promote from within and our outside hires have led to the most diverse staff ever in the Clerk’s office. We have leveraged over $143,000 in grants with an additional $100,000 coming in 2020. We have built partnerships with the U of I, MTD, Parkland, and smaller community based organizations, hosted voter registration drives, ran an election, maintained excellent vital records, handled our portion of the property tax cycle despite issues that were out of our control. We, with the help of former lead tax extension specialist Andy Rhodes, hosted an educational presentation for the road commissioners who needed assistance adjusting to the new aspects of the property tax cycle, and through marriage licenses, business licenses and birth certificates, we have positively impacted the lives of Champaign County residents every day. Also, we recently finished a series of six Tax Town Halls that spanned Champaign County, explaining the property tax cycle, answering important questions from the public, and offering clarity on exemptions and the lateness of the bills this year. Mr. Goss did not attend any of those SIX tax town halls, not even the one in Mahomet, the district he represents.
In his interview, Mr. Goss said I “like to talk about elections…” absolutely I do, Mr. Goss, because elections have consequences. And it appears to me that what you’re really upset about is decades of negative consequences are being unwound by the newly elected Democratic Department Heads and you don’t like what it’s uncovering, or the new direction the County is headed in.
In the future Mr. Goss, you owe it to your constituents to get the facts straight and show them what you’re doing. What ordinance, resolution, or improvement to public policy have you initiated and passed? Many people like to criticize the work of others, but where is your work?
Mr. Goss, please stop lying to the people of Champaign County, and stop trying to cast doubt and create discord. Republicans aren’t the Department Heads because the majority of residents of Champaign County chose Democratic leadership. It’s called the will of the people.
It is clear that Mr. Goss only wants to play partisan politics, lie, and misrepresent what is actually happening, a methodology that is straight out of President Donald Trump’s playbook. Complete with attempts to stoke the flames of sexism, racism, and homophobia when he says that we are “the most unqualified candidates ever.” Ever? The fact that two women, two openly gay men, and an African-American were Democratic candidates for five county wide offices, and now in charge of the 5 departments that were previously held for decades by white male heterosexuals, is not lost on me, or the voters of Champaign County.
Aaron Ammons
Champaign County Clerk
Aaron, well written!