Champaign County residents interested in getting an inside look at how local law enforcement works are invited to participate in the Champaign County Citizen Police Academy.
The academy, which meets Thursday nights from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. for 10 weeks beginning April 19, 2018, will cover crime prevention, community based policing, drugs, gangs, DUI enforcement, citizen-police contacts, use of force, firearms orientation, crime scene investigation, a tour of the Champaign County Jail, and a patrol ride-along with your local department. The meetings are held at the Police Training Institute located at 1004 S. Fourth Street, Champaign, and other local sites.
Starting its 32th session, the academy strives to help local residents better understand police work. In addition, the police agencies involved in the academy seek feedback from participants about law-enforcement issues.
For more information or to enroll in the program, contact your local Police Agency.