
Christmas Eve Services in Mahomet

Churches throughout Mahomet are offering Christmas Eve services in 2020. Here is a rundown on what’s coming up:

Community Evangelical Free Church of Mahomet

December 24th, Christmas Eve
In-person gathering at 6:00pm and 7:15pm
Watch online at 6:00pm at www.communityfreechurch.com
We will have seating in small clusters spaced out by 8 feet. 
We will be requiring masks at the service. (If you do not come with a mask we will have one available for you). 
We asked that everyone attending adhere to the social distancing guidelines set forth by the state (6 feet). 
Our worship seating will be disinfected between each service. 

First Baptist Church of Mahomet

December 24 (Christmas Eve), 4 pm
Online only Facebook Live Worship service https://www.facebook.com/pg/firstbaptistchurchmahomet/videos/

Grace Church

December 24, Christmas Eve
Livestream of 6 p.m. service at https://www.facebook.com/GraceChurchMahomet or http://gracemahomet.org/

Life Community Church

between Ace Hardware and Los Zarapes
Christmas Eve service at 4:00 PM
3 ways to join us:
(1) Park in the parking lot and watch on the big TV outside the church with your radio on,
(2) come inside with a mask, or
(3) watch on Facebook.https://lifemahomet.org

Lutheran Church of Mahomet

Online or in-person:Christmas Eve @ 6:30pm & 10:30pm – distanced on the church lawn (bring your lawn chairs and a portable fire pit if you have one!), in our parking lot (cars tuned to 103.5), or via Zoom (linked on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lcofmahomet)
Christmas Day @ 9:00am – via Zoom (linked on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lcofmahomet) or in our parking lot (cars tuned to 103.5)COVID-19
Mitigation Procedures: Those attending on the church lawn on Christmas Eve should plan to distance their family units appropriately and wear masks.

Mahomet Christian Church

Candlelight and communion service
Christmas Eve; 2:30 pm and 4:00 pm
In-person and online live streaming at 4:00 pm
Masks, social distancing, and sanitizing between services. 
Register your preference on line at www.mahometchristian.org

Our Lady of the Lake

At this time, all Christmas Eve and Christmas day masses will include the following:

  1. First come, first serve in Church, in pew. With social distancing, cleansing of hands and disinfecting. Once the Church is at its limit of people, we will invite people to participate in the ‘Parking Lot Mass.’
  2. For those who are not able to be in the Church, and for those who might be concerned about being inside, there will be the ‘Parking Lot Mass.’ Each Mass will be Livestreamed (YouTube), and can be watched on a phone, iPad, etc. Each Mass will also be live on station 90.5 F.M.
  3. At each Mass, Holy Communion will be brought to those participating in the ‘Parking Lot Mass.’ A Eucharistic Minister and Usher will approach all cars with the car lights on.
  4. Because of the fluidness of today’s situation, please check this site periodically as this information is subject to change.

Mahomet United Methodist Church

Plans are underway for a Noon drive-through Christmas Eve moment for Seniors. We want you to feel seen and loved this Christmas; you are the heart of this church. (You will self-identify, not the Reverend.)


Please click HERE to sign up for this unique outdoor Christmas Eve experience.


This service is a concert and communion service and will be recorded so everyone can worship with us on Facebook/Youtube. This service will make your Christmas Eve special. You will want to enjoy this service with your family, so invite them to view it from the warmth of their home.

Vineyard Church (in Urbana)

Dates/times of Service: Christmas Eve, Dec 24th |  2pm, 3:30pm, 5pm
Where/How People can attend (online or in-person):  In person services require a free ticket.  Register here.  
COVID-19 Mitigation Procedures:  Found Here

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