
Champaign County Juneteenth Celebrations 2021

Slavery in the United States did not end in 1863 when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. It wasn’t until June 19, 1865, when a group of enslaved people in Galveston, Texas were set free that slavery, as they United States had known it, ended.

165 years later, Americans are finally observing what the Black community has always referred to as “Freedom Day” or “Juneteenth.”

In June 2020, amid nationwide protests against police brutality and racism following the death of George Floyd, Juneteenth was recognized by the Champaign-Urbana community with celebrations and educational opportunities.

Over the last year, community organizers have built upon those opportunities to provide opportunities to celebrate freedom and the Black community in Champaign, Urbana and Rantoul in 2021.

Here are some opportunities to celebrate Juneteenth in the Champaign-area (this list will be updated as more information becomes available):

Champaign Park District’s Virtual Juneteenth Celebration: online, all day

HVNT Juneteenth Celebration: Jun 19, 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM CDT

Champaign, 400 W University Ave, Champaign, All day family fun and peace at West Side Park in Champaign. Sponsored by HV Neighborhood Transformation (HVNT)

Food vendors and family fun.

“Back to the 90s” Juneteenth Freedom Day Celebration at King Park (Urbana):  1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Juneteenth at Wabash Park (Rantoul): 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Rantoul’s first Juneteenth celebration will kick off with music by The Painkillers Blues Band from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday, June 18 at the VFW 675 N. Ohio, Rantoul, IL followed by a celebration from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 19 in Wabash Park, Rantoul. Activities are planned for all ages, including arts and crafts, story time, games, DJ, music and spoken word performances and a fashion show through the decades. Local restaurants and food trucks will be on hand with food for purchase or bring a picnic. Program will begin at 1pm with words and proclamation by Mayor Charles Smith. For more information, please contact Tamilka Thompson at (217) 766-8483 or by email mykashontray59@gmail.com.

Sneaker Ball – 11:11 am – 4 pm @ David S. Palmer Arena ($50 admission)

Juneteenth Wine and Paint: 7:30-10 p.m., 1724 W. Bradley Ave. Champaign, $25 per person BYOB, Music, Canvas Paint, Brushes and Art Stands will be provided, hosted by Bold Beauty Pro, LLC. 

Unapologetic Black Adult Prom – 7 pm – 12 am at the IHotel ($65 single / $120 couple) “Ladies First Edition” Throughout the night guest may donate health items, beauty products, clothing, gift cards, and even mutual aid. It is our goal this Juneteenth celebration and forward that we Black Women and Girls are no longer disrespected, unprotected nor neglected any longer. Donations: Lotion, Menstrual Products, Body Wash, Undergarments, Gift Cards, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Hair Combs, Hair Brushes, Hair Products., Hair Supplies (Hair Ties, Headbands), Or Monetary Donations💰 #MutualAid, For 🎟 information please visit/contact Studio VIP at 2174804061 or, https://www.facebook.com/blackmillionairesclub/, If unable to attend donations can be taken through Venmo or Cash App using $HITNHOMEBOY88 now until Saturday, June 19th, 2021

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