
Champaign County Forest Preserve Secures $100,000 Grant for Lake of the Woods Bike Path Renovation

In a significant boost for outdoor enthusiasts and the local community, the Champaign County Forest Preserve District has been awarded a generous grant of $100,000 as part of the Illinois Bicycle Path Grant Program. Governor JB Pritzker recently announced a total of $2,161,000 in grants aimed at developing and enhancing 13 local bike path projects across Illinois.

Governor Pritzker praised the vital role that bicycle path projects play in job creation, economic development, and road safety for cyclists. He emphasized the importance of making Illinois’ stunning natural landscape accessible and safe for everyone to enjoy. These projects, he noted, are instrumental in realizing that goal.

Administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), the Illinois Bicycle Path Grant Program is funded by a percentage of motor vehicle title fees, offering a maximum grant award of $200,000 for development projects and no limit on grant awards for land acquisition projects.

The primary objective of this program is to provide financial support to eligible local government units for the acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation of public off-road, non-motorized bicycle paths and related facilities, including amenities like drinking water and restrooms.

The Champaign County Forest Preserve District’s project, the Lake of the Woods Bike Path Renovation, will receive $100,000 to revitalize a beloved local resource, part of the 10-foot, 3.3 mile bike trail. Built in 1996, the CCRPD started repairing the trail near mile marker 2.1 in 2021.

The proposed project focuses on the renovation of approximately half a mile of existing asphalt path and the installation of signage. The path, spanning 10 feet in width and designed for multi-use, is a cherished recreational space within the community.

Key components of the renovation include repairing and remilling the existing asphalt surface, providing a refreshed and safer environment for bikers, joggers, and walkers. The addition of signage will enhance navigation and overall user experience on the path.

This grant underscores the commitment of the Champaign County Forest Preserve District and the State of Illinois to promote outdoor recreation, improve infrastructure, and create a greener, healthier environment for all residents. The Lake of the Woods Bike Path Renovation project is expected to have a positive impact on the local community, making it more accessible and inviting for individuals and families seeking to enjoy the outdoors while promoting sustainable transportation alternatives.

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