The Champaign County Forest Preserve District is ready to develop a five-year strategic plan that will take its vision into 2025.
But first, they are looking for input from their constituents in Champaign County.
The process, which began in the fall of 2018, will come to a head at the Dec. 19 board meeting.
During the last year, the Forest Preserve board, staff and public have put together an initial vision for the priorities of the district.
During the month of October, the District utilized public comment during two sessions held in Mahomet and Homer.
Marketing Coordinator Lisa Sprinkle said that the feedback received was important.
One couple wanted to know more about the district’s cross-country skiing trails while an avid visitor offered important insight into opportunities at Homer Lake.
After the Nov. 14 board meeting, the District decided to pause a little longer to gain additional information from the community through an online survey.
While the District’s mission has remained the same since its establishment in 1948: the conservation of the county’s natural and cultural resources, educational opportunities
designed to increase the community’s knowledge and appreciation of these resources, and recreational opportunities consistent with conserving the natural qualities of the District’s resource base, the development of a five-year strategic plan will help the District understand how it can best serve its stakeholders while protecting the natural assets for generations to come.
The 5-minute survey asks responders to reflect on the District’s vision and mission statement while they also provide feedback on what is most important to visitors and what might be important to develop in the future.
Sprinkle said that throughout the District’s six forest preserves, guests will find signs with QR codes that will lead them to the survey. The survey can also be accessed directly here.
The data collected will be presented to the District’s board on Dec. 19, and a plan will be developed to ensure that staff and stakeholders are working towards common goals.