Showing cattle is in the blood of the Turners.
Ten-year-old Mahomet resident Callie Turner has spent her childhood watching her dad, brother and sister learning the ropes of the show ring.
When she turned eight, it was her turn to take the reins.
“I just thought it’d be super fun,” Callie said.
Turner has spent her week at the Champaign County Fair.
But this isn’t her first show this summer.
“I’ve had a very busy past few weeks,” she said.
The Turners were also part of the Fisher Fair where they showed their cattle.
Callie said it’s not just spending weekends at the fairgrounds, but the work that goes in every single day to make sure that the cattle are ready.
Like many showmen, the Callie washes her cattle every night, blow dries their hair, then leads them around the family farm so that they learn that she is the leader.
“I’ve learned that it’s not always going to go your way, but when you keep working and going they will get better and better,” she said. “Then you can do better the next day.”
Callie is becoming better every day, too.
Showing cattle has given her the confidence to meet new people and to talk to adults who are also authority figures.
“I love going up and talking to the judge after the show,” she said.
Also giving her confidence is knowing that her family is close-by in the stands and in the show ring.
“I love watching everyone come watch me,” she said.