
Brown recaps 2013, Village sets vision for future: Part II

Mayor Patrick Brown sat down with the Daily in January to recap progress and share the collective vision for the future of Mahomet. As the Village begins to prepare for fiscal year 2014, we have decided to present his overview in a three part series which will focus on infrastructure (Part I: 2.24.2014), customer service (Part II: 2.25.2014) and community growth (Part III 2.26.2014). This article is Part II of this series. 

In the meantime, both Village staff and board are currently re-evaluating subdivision ordinances to promote both commercial and residential growth.

Under the direction of Village staff, Community Development Director Kelly Pfeifer has drafted a new subdivision ordinance to promote commercial growth. Brown said while the finalized document will include more pages, the goal will be to be less burdensome.

The Village plans to present the ordinance draft to contractors who are willing to give feedback on how the process can run smoothly for them before approving the document. Brown said many contractors have complained about Village subdivision ordinances and customer service for years.

The Village regained two full-time positions in 2014 when they reinstated the Community Development Director and the Code Enforcement Officer, which was filled by Ken Buchanan.

Brown said it was important for the staff and board to recognize the depth of work which was laid on staff members when positions were vacated.

“We are trying to get people back to doing the job they’re supposed to be doing, and not doing someone else’s job,” Brown said.

The group hopes the defined roles and accessibility to Village members will create a sense of unity not only within the staff and board realm, but also throughout the community. Along with community enhancements, the Village hopes to strengthen ties with the Mahomet-Seymour School District, Mahomet Public Library and Mahomet Township, among others organizations.

“The number one reason people move to this community is for the school district,” Brown said. “It starts with recognizing that this is going to be your biggest asset; that’s going to be your biggest economic development tool. The closer we are with the school district, the better that helps us with attracting other commercial and industrial development.”

Brown invited Superintendent Rick Johnston to become part of the economic development team.

“He’s constantly thinking at a high level; looking into the future long term,” Brown said.

Village Trustees have also served on school development committees.

“Those types of things help strengthen the ties with the school, and that will help long term economic growth,” Brown said.

Brown believes with the Village infrastructure foundation, a revised subdivision ordinance and the new Elementary School alongside a long-term facility plan by the Mahomet-Seymour School District, the Village will continue to see an upswing of residential growth in the Mahomet community.

“I believe this summer is going to be amazing, partly because of the new school,” he said. “Young families who have kids who are about ready to go to kindergarten will say ‘Wow, I want to see my kids go there.’”

After the residential boom of 2007, the Mahomet housing market took a hit when the economic downturn affected the real estate market nationwide. Brown said the 2013 Village permit statistics are encouraging because they suggest an upswing in new construction after permit statistics became dangerously low in 2010.

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