State of Illinois

Bill to Prevent Mahomet Aquifer from Carbon Sequestration Risks Advances to Illinois House

A bill to prevent carbon capture and sequestration projects over the Mahomet Aquifer is headed to the House Floor after it passed the House Energy and Environmental Committee with a bipartisan 23-3 vote. 

The bill specifically targets areas such as the Mahomet Sole Source Aquifer, a critical water source for central Illinois residents.

Amending the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Title of the Environmental Protection Act, this move would prohibit any person from conducting carbon sequestration activities over sole source aquifers and bars the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from issuing permits for such operations. This measure is designed to protect vital water resources from potential contamination risks associated with carbon storage technologies. The legislation reflects growing concerns about environmental safety and water resource protection amid advancements in carbon capture technologies.

“Protecting the Mahomet Aquifer is not just about preserving water; it’s about safeguarding the future of our community,” said Senator Paul Faraci (D-Champaign). “While innovation in carbon sequestration holds promise, we must prioritize the health and safety of our residents, ensuring progress never comes at the expense of our most vital resource.” 

The Mahomet Aquifer, a primary source of drinking water in Central Illinois, provides water for nearly one million people across 14 counties. 

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