A blizzard the day before could not cool off efforts of Mahomet-Seymour Elementary school students to raise money for the American Heart Association. The annual occurrence, Jump Rope for Heart, is a national event designed to raise money, promote heart research and increase awareness of physical activity. Mahomet […]
Author: Rebecca Hawley
Young Engineers Put it All Together at Lincoln Trail
The subject is Engineering. The professor writes a formula for Potential Energy on the board. PE=MGH. “Who knows what G represents?” the professor asks. “Gravity,” respond a few student voices. “Very good. Who can tell me the value for Gravity?” Students furiously look back through their notes, knowing they wrote […]
MSJHS Library Renovation Yields Brighter Space, Increased Circulation
Brighter. More functional. Better access. These are words that describe the newly renovated Mahomet Seymour Junior High School library, and the result has been higher circulation numbers. Students came back from Winter break to find their library had new colored shelves and a new layout, according to Amanda McFarlane, MSJH […]
Students test Lego buildings against simulated earthquake
trim.2F0A8A9B-51B6-4503-881B-6A3E2F0EEE64 Students in Margaret Miller and Chuck Durst’s fourth grade classes held a “Shakes and Quakes” today at Lincoln Trail. The “Shakes and Quakes” was part of a special science project the classes worked on with University of Illinois professor Bill Spencer, two visiting faculty from China, a graduate student […]
Principal’s Advisory Council Benefits High School, Students
When Mahomet Seymour High School Principal Shannon Cheek wants to know what improvements can be made in his school, he turns to the people who know best: his students. The Principal’s Advisory Council, which started last year, provides students with the opportunity to share ideas, offer suggestions and discuss concerns, […]
MS Madrigal Dinner Steeped in Tradition
June: When other Mahomet Seymour high school students were thinking about summer fun with friends, a small group was thinking about Christmas. That group of students belonged to an elite assembly of singers: MSHS’s Madrigals. And all the planning and preparation that started on June 1st, will culminate in their […]
Leaving Iowa Cast talks about upcoming play
The Mahomet-Seymour High School Drama Department will present Leaving Iowa: Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14 at 7pm, and Sunday, November 15 at 2pm. Tickets: Students/Seniors $6 in advance ($7 at door). Adults $7 in advance ($8 at door). Tickets are available from cast members, Mahomet IGA, or Will Call […]
New Junior High Math Curriculum a hit with students, teachers.
Lauren Schnepper said this year she “loves math. It seems easier this year than it was last year.” That hasn’t always been the case, according to her mother, Stephanie. Lauren and other Mahomet Seymour Junior High sixth graders describe math as “fun” this year as compared to years past. And […]
Sangamon teacher awarded grant, brings friendship bench to first and second graders
If you have been around Mahomet Seymour’s Sangamon Elementary School during recess time, you know there is a lot of energy, playing, and fun on the playground. Mr. Cabutti plays football almost every lunch recess. Children race to the coveted swings. They jump from tire to tire. While the point […]
New Science Standards Challenge MS Students and Teachers
Newton’s Second Law is taught in high school physics classes around the world. Mahomet Seymour elementary student, Charlie Hawley, learned the concept last week after his science group was given a ball and a measuring stick. “All we did,” explained Margaret Miller’s fourth grade student “is hit the ball with […]