Cross Construction will be installing water main on the south side of South Mahomet Road starting this week (Sept 28, 2021) The water main will be extended from the Harvest Edge Subdivision, east of Littlefield Lane, toward the railroad tracks. The construction will go across South Mahomet Road and will […]
Author: Press Release
Mahomet-Seymour releases statement for LGBTQ+ student in Mahomet-Seymour
*The following statement regarding bullying and assault was released by the Mahomet-Seymour School District via email and social media on Sept. 23. The Mahomet-Seymour School District supports and values all of our students and staff. We are a public school that welcomes and supports all. We are continually striving to […]
Uniting Pride of Champaign County releases statement for LGBTQ+ student in Mahomet-Seymour
To the LGBTQ+ students of Mahomet-Seymour High School: We want to start by saying: You matter. You belong. You are beautiful. You deserve support, understanding, and safety. You are an important part of our community. We were extremely saddened and angered to hear of the bullying, harassment, and assaults that […]
Bridle Brook Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Fair on Sept. 23
Public Hearing: Mahomet-Seymour E-Learning Plan
The Mahomet-Seymour CUSD #3 Board of Education will hold a public hearing at 6:45 p.m. on Monday, September 20, 2021 in the Board Conference Room at Middletown Prairie Elementary, 1301 S. Bulldog Dr, Mahomet, IL 61853, to allow for input concerning a proposed E-Learning Plan for the District.
Mahomet Town and Country Women’s Club to begin meetings on Sept. 21
The Mahomet Town and Country Women’s Club will hold the first meeting of the club year on Tuesday, September 21, at 7 PM at the Mahomet Public Library. Due to covid protocols, masks must be worn and there will be no refreshments at this time. The club will present […]
Registration for BLAST opens Tuesday
B.L.A.S.T. Session 1 registration begins on Tuesday, August 31st at 6 p.m. for Middletown Prairie (1st and 2nd grade) and 7 p.m. for Lincoln Trail. Session 1 classes include art, engineering, sports, scrapbooking, yoga, crochet, sewing and more! B.L.A.S.T. is a fee-based after-school enrichment program provided by the Mahomet-Seymour School District. Approximately 25% […]
Eberfest rescheduled due to COVID-19 concerns
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Roger Ebert’s Film Festival, co-founded and hosted by Chaz Ebert, announced today that its 22nd annual event has been rescheduled as a result of a spike in variants of the COVID-19 virus in Illinois. The festival, also known as “Ebertfest,” has been rescheduled for April 20-23 at the […]
Mahomet-Seymour to host study group for those wishing to take ParaPro Exam
Mahomet-Seymour CUSD #3 is hosting study groups for individuals that are interested in taking the ParaPro Exam to become a paraprofessional. Sessions will be held at the high school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 pm starting September 7th. To register for this free study group, contact Stacy Fisher at […]
IDOT to resurface University between Wright and Cunningham
The Illinois Department of Transportation announced that resurfacing of University Avenue (U.S. 150) between Wright Street and Cunningham Avenue in Urbana begins Aug. 22. The project will require nighttime lane closures, which will occur from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sundays through Thursdays for approximately three weeks. Once the resurfacing […]