Author: Jason Schifo


Commentary: Tribes

By Jason Schifo I have been thinking quite a lot lately how things have changed, and how those changes have affected my family, your family, our community and the world.  I have been thinking about this because like you, I have some deep concerns about not only where we are […]


A Thanksgiving Message: Grow In Grace

BY JASON SCHIFOCommunity Evangelical Free Church of Mahomet Thanksgiving Sunday has just past, and as a pastor, I joined scores of other pastors across the country in challenging people to be thankful. I pleaded with them to rise above the rivalry, division, animosity, and antagonism by becoming a people best […]


Guide to Mahomet-Seymour Homecoming Week

The Mahomet-Seymour community will welcome their Bulldog football team home during the week of September 22. Mahomet-Seymour Spirit Days are as follows: Middletown Prairie Elementary Monday, September 23rd – Hat Day Tuesday, September 24th – Favorite Team Day Wednesday, September 25th – Crazy Socks Day (Homecoming Parade at 5:00 on […]