Author: Dani Tietz

Uncategorized ranks Mahomet-Seymour School District 28th best in Illinois

The Mahomet-Seymour School District was recognized for its excellence once again this year as ranked the district in the top 100 schools in Illinois., which ranks schools and school districts based on academics, health and safety, parent and student surveys, student culture, facilities and extracurricular activities, among others, […]


Village Board Agenda 11.14.2017

The Village of Mahomet board will meet at 6 p.m. on November 14 at the Village of Mahomet Administration Meeting. [gview file=””] [gview file=””]

Local Uncategorized

MSJHS Honor Roll List

MSJHS High Honors [one-third-first] 6th Grade Allinger, Kaden N. Amatyleon, Savannah C. Arnett, Brooke A. Aziz, Murtadha Beal, Elijah W. Bednar, Lauren K. Bell, Tyler J. Berg, Alec R. Bergman, Alec K. Biegler, Nadia N. Boyd, Ava D. Bristle, Quade D. Burr, Lauren E. Burson, Aubrey A. Butler, Noah M. […]


Hall to host Bulldog Dialogue

Superintendent Lindsay Hall invites the Mahomet community to listen to her talk about district topics and answer questions at Middletown Prairie on November 13 at 7 p.m. In a letter to district parents, Hall said the meeting will last one hour. The first 15-20 minutes will consist of an overview […]


Registration open for 2017 Turkey Trot

For many Mahomet residents, spending time with family on Thanksgiving Day is more than watching football and stuffing turkey and dressing into their faces. In Mahomet, moms, dads, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents also gather on Thanksgiving morning for the Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department Turkey Trot. While the event […]