According to Patrick Wampler, Jimmy Johns, which will be on the corner of Main and Lombard Street in Mahomet, will begin construction on May 20. They are scheduled to open their doors around Labor Day 2019.
Author: Dani Tietz
MSJHS April Eighth-Grade Students of the Month
Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School Eighth-Grade Students of the Month for April are Colton Crowley Owen Uebelhoer Lauren Hobbs Sebastian Chamorro and Autumn Paytes (not pictured).
Kaper brings ag education to life for students in the classroom through Champaign County Farm Bureau program
In East Central Illinois, farmland is nearly everywhere. At one time, farmland sustained families and incomes, lifestyles and dreams. And while that is true for some today, the tasks that happen on the land are often unknown, although they impact nearly every aspect of any human’s life. Since 1993, the […]
Keller Williams’ Red Day ignites Pride’s passion to give back
BY DANI Champaign, Ill. – It’s Mo Anderson’s 82nd birthday. And she’s invited around 180,000 people to her party! The name Mo Anderson might not mean much to someone outside Keller Williams Realty, but the culture that she began to build within the Keller Williams organization when she became […]
Johnson finds her superpower through conducting “Avengers”
BY DANI Through 22 movies, the world has been enthralled with the stories of Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk and Ant-Man. These characters have wowed spectators with their resiliency and ability to conquer Earth’s impending doom, time-and-time again. But before the armor and fancy suits, these characters started […]
MSHS Seniors lead Math Team to State Championship
Pictured aboveSeniors: Nick Morrow, Cassidy Waldrep, Jessica Berkman, Michal Strzebonski, Emma Amjad, Sarah Amjad, Archi Patel, Saloni PatelJuniors: Seth Honnigford, Colten Brunner, Gavin Williams, Nic Liagridonis, Riley Watson, Lizzie Stremming, Clayton Burkhalter, Samuel KnightSophomores: Mike Taylor, Matthew Simms, Clayton Kessler, Ella Tietz, Tony Huang, Xalina Ramirez Kennedy, Anthony Carpenter, Alexis […]
Stiverson and Nagele give back through Bunny’s Bash for MDA
BY DANI Moms and dads, aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas often collect drawings from the children they love and hang them on the refrigerator. Seldom does a child’s drawing make it into the hands of a stranger. Rarely is a child’s drawing sold for $700. But for 17-year […]
Haunted by Humans continues to dream big
Sometimes a great idea takes patience. That is a lesson that Mahomet-Seymour High School senior Justus Payne has learned during his lifetime. The young musician, who has been known for his ability to make people laugh and think outside the box, is realizing his great idea that began when he […]
Mahomet-Seymour ranked 56th in State on U.S. News Report
Mahomet-Seymour High School has found its place on the 2019 list of U.S. News and World Report annual report of The Best High Schools. Based on data from The Common Core of Data, The College Board and the International Baccalaureate, U.S. News worked with RTI International to look at six […]
DeHaan and Marsh meet up 1,470 miles away in Mahomet
A lot can change in 1,470 miles. The landscape is different, as is the air density and the color of the sky. Thirty to 40 years will also change a lot of things. Businesses that once powered an economy will be different, as will the way children are raised. And […]