Author: Dani Tietz


Parkland College offers Emergengy Services courses, college credit for high school students

BY DANI It’s not enough for four Champaign County seniors to stand outside the fire. These young men aren’t just waiting with senior fever for graduation day. They aren’t hoping that there is something to do after school. They aren’t just waiting for the right opportunity. Heritage’s Keegan Painter, […]


Lincoln Trail to host Fall Festival

BY DANI It’s fall. Nostalgia is in the air. And Lincoln Trail Elementary is bringing back traditions that span generations in their first annual fall festival scheduled for October 29. “We at Lincoln Trail feel strongly about families being welcome at our school,” Principal Meghan Hunter said. “This is […]


Crowley Pumpkin Glow Oct. 29-31

The glow of a pumpkin on a doorstep is enough to make anyone smile. But hundreds of glowing pumpkins placed near the forest in rural Mahomet is something that draws crowds from miles away each year. After the pumpkin buying season dies down, the Crowley family invites friends and family […]