BY DANI The Mahomet-Seymour School Board adopted two new high school courses, AP Computer Science Principles, and Lifelong Wellness with Fitness and Food, Monday night. The vote was 5-0 with Merle Giles and Jeremy Henrichs absent. The AP Computer Science Principles will be a year-long introduction to a computer […]
Author: Dani Tietz
Champaign County Forest Preserve asks public for input on strategic plan
BY DANI The Champaign County Forest Preserve District is ready to develop a five-year strategic plan that will take its vision into 2025. But first, they are looking for input from their constituents in Champaign County. The process, which began in the fall of 2018, will come to a […]
Rain dictates 2019 East Central Illinois crop
BY DANI The 2019 growing season in East Central Illinois was unlike any farmers of this generation has seen before. From unusually wet conditions through the beginning of June, to spotty rainfall throughout the summer to snowy conditions as early as October, precipitation has ruled what farmers were able […]
Classic Plumbing PLUMBERS of the Month: M-S Girl Scout Troop #2941
BY DANI What does it mean to be part of a community? Fifteen second-grade students in Mahomet-Seymour Girl Scout troop #2941 have spent much of 2019 exploring the idea. Is it a group? A town? A history? A nation? While working towards completion of the five components of the […]
Jessup talks to Mahomet-Seymour Junior High Students about LDRSHIP
BY DANI When Mahomet-Seymour alum Joel Jessup told his story to Mahomet-Seymour Junior High students, it was a story that they heard before: the small boy who is transformed into a superhero. The 1999 graduate was unsure of what he wanted to do in his life as a high […]
Lincoln Trail students learn dogs can be Veterans, too
BY DANI Veterans aren’t only human. Lincoln Trail Elementary students learned that veterans can also be dogs on Monday. Corporal David Cluver introduced the third to fifth-grade students to Sergeant Jady, his partner who served during Cluver’s second tour in Afghanistan. As part of the Marine Corp, Cluver first […]
Eccher talks to students about service
BY DANI Maybe the extraordinary begins with the ordinary. That was the message that Mahomet-Seymour High School students heard as they listened to O’Fallon’s Marc Eccher, a Civil Engineer in the United States Air Force, during Monday morning’s Veterans Day program. “There’s a perception out there that the military […]
5 Essentials Survey open to parents
BY DANI The Illinois State Board of Education’s (ISBE) 5 Essentials Survey is now available for parents to take in order to provide feedback on school climate and learning conditions. The questions from the Parent Survey went live on Oct. 24 and will remain available until Feb. 14, 2020. […]
M-S Madrigal tickets go on sale Nov. 12
BY DANI Tickets for the 37th-annual Mahomet-Seymour High School Madrigal dinner go on sale to the public on Nov. 12. This year’s Madrigal cast, directed by Nicole Kuglich and assisted by Brian Lonergan, features 22 members including: Lord Maxwell Bartlett, Lord Luca Bellini, Lord Logan Burdette, Lord Ryan Bushell, […]
AHEC to host mental health training at Mahomet Public Library
The East Central Illinois AHEC will host its first Adult Mental Health First Aid course in Mahomet at the Mahomet Public Library on Nov. 18 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The training, designed for anyone 18 years and older, will help participants identify, understand and respond to signs of […]