I’m not a big fan of Halloween. I tried for a while because I felt like that’s why “good moms” are supposed to do. I bought a box full of spiders, webs and a few window cling-ons. I encouraged my kids to express their interests and creativity through their costumes. […]
Author: Dani Tietz
JT Walker’s Restaurant and Brewery to open Nov. 20
Whether it’s through serving quality food and entertainment or brewing beer with a local flare, Justin Taylor, owner of JT Walker’s Restaurant and Brewery and JT Walker’s Restaurant and Sports Bar, wants to be a part of Mahomet. After jumping over licensing hurdles for three years, Taylor announced the JT […]
BLAST program sees growth in second session
After a successful first session of BLAST, the Mahomet Area Youth Club alongside the Mahomet-Seymour School District is ready to expand enrichment opportunities for students in Sangamon and Lincoln Trail Elementary. At this point, enrollment numbers appear to be consistent at nearly 190 students enrolled each session. With only eight […]
Schools set to honor Veterans
In an effort to support local Veteran’s, the students and staff at Lincoln Trail Elementary are raising money this week to donate to Honor Flight. The Honor Flight Network began in 2005 as a way to send WWII Veterans to the WWII Memorial in Washington D.C. Students who wish to […]
Principals present 2013-2014 goals to School Board
The Mahomet-Seymour School board listened to presentations about progress made in the 2012-2013 school year and each school’s goals in the 2013-2014 school year from the district’s five principals Mon. night. Middletown Principal Carol Shallenberger said full-day kindergarten gives the staff the opportunity to expand from their literacy rich curriculum […]
MSHS ranked in top 50 Illinois high schools
Mahomet-Seymour High School moved up two spots on the Chicago Sun Times top 50 high school list which was released on Oct. 31. After analyzing scores on state achievement tests, MSHS is ranked 34th in the state. In 2011 they were ranked 90th, and in 2012 the school moved up […]
How to Break Free When Electronics are Always Available
Our son’s first attempt at crawling was inspired by a small electronic device that was situated a few feet away from him—an iPhone. While that in and of itself is not miraculous or special, it parallels the behaviors we see in teenagers and adults. As we have all noticed, sometimes […]
Mahomet Rotary Club dedicates new shelter
The Mahomet Rotary Club celebrated the dedication of a shelter they built along the Buffalo Trace Trail on Sun. The shelter and picnic table located at Prairie Park just north of Mahomet-Seymour High School on Crowley Rd. is the first handicap accessible shelter on the Buffalo Trace Trail. The MSHS […]
Crosses represent life throughout October
The 2000 crosses across from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church at 501 W. State Street are more than a quiet statement. For the committee, which developed the concept in 2007, the crosses are promoting life from conception to natural death. Parishioner Guy Christopher said the group chose to […]
What Will Your Kids Be When They Grow Up?
While emptying the dishwasher with me last week, my blonde daughter who only enjoys direct answers asked me, “What do you think Jordyn (my oldest) will be when she grows up?” I very matter of factly said, “I think J will be kind when she grows up,” I said. “No […]