Village staff sought the guidance and input of Village board members as both parties discussed upcoming Village needs within the framework of the preliminary $3.6M budget for 2015. The budget is expected to be completed in May. Village Treasurer Jeanne Schacht explained some of the budget shortfalls as the […]
Author: Dani Tietz
Miles of Hope to raise money for Type I diabetes cure
In the summer of 2010, Sam Burgwald was an active seven-year-old boy who loved to play outside with his sister,Emma, and his friends. Sam’s mom, Brandi, would watch the children run in and out of the house, consuming flavored boxes of water on those hot days. She remembers Sam always […]
Busey notifies customers of vishing scam
Press Release from Busey Bank 3.17.2014 Champaign, IL – Scammers looking to steal information from unsuspecting telephone users have begun contacting area residents. Busey has received numerous reports from customers and non-customers of recent vishing attempts. Vishing is a social engineering technique for acquiring personal or financial information from consumers […]
Freshmen Mentor Program changes culture of MSHS
After four years of implementation, staff at Mahomet-Seymour High School have witnessed the positive effects of the Freshmen Mentor Program (FMP). FMP meets during a daily, half-hour advisory period where students receive specialized instruction alongside study hall time. All freshmen are required to participate in FMP, which is led by […]
Middletown students learn through Science Day
The Mahomet-Seymour PTO provided Middletown Early Childhood Center (MECC) kindergarten students with hands-on science education today. In years past, the M-S PTO hosted a Science Day at all three elementary schools within the Mahomet-Seymour School District. As the PTO focuses on teacher and classroom needs to benefit all students, teacher […]
Village Board listens to video gaming discussion
Village Trustees have asked Village staff to draft a possible ordinance which will allow video game gambling within Village limits after hearing from local restaurant owners Tuesday. Trustees Vicki Cook and Bruce Colravy said while they are in favor of the possibility of allowing video game gambling in Village limits, […]
Mahomet-Seymour to pilot PARCC assessment
Nearly 300 students in the Mahomet-Seymour School District will take part in the PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Assessment) pilot after spring break. The Mahomet-Seymour School District was randomly chosen to pilot the test.Ten percent of the student population from the 19 states using the […]
MSJHS to move to middle school model
Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School students and staff will experience schedule changes as the school moves from a junior high model to a middle school model beginning in the 2014-2015 school year. District administrators began planning for the middle school model three years ago when they realized the current system would […]
Granadino builds relationships to understand client’s needs
Images Hair Design Stylist Kara Granadino has always had a knack for styling hair. As a teenager, Granadino helped friends achieve the look they were hoping for. Now, with 22 years of experience, she looks forward to getting to know her client’s personalities to help the understand a style which […]
Church of the Nazarene offers Friday night service
In a changed world where businesses are open and youth travel clubs schedule tournaments on Sundays, many people are left to choose between church and obligations. Mahomet Church of the Nazarene Pastors Lutz and Deb Braunig hope to fill that gap by offering Friday night services beginning March 7. Traditional […]