Nothing could be more unclear: will IHSA basketball be played in the winter or in the spring. During Thursday’s press conference, Gov. JB Pritzker said that winter high school sports, including basketball, would be “moved into spring” after the IHSA announced the previous day it would defy the IDPH guidelines […]
Author: Dani Tietz
New kayak/canoe launch site at Mahomet’s Sangamon River Greenway
Mahomet opened its first ADA compliant kayak/canoe launch on Oct. 22. The Sangamon River access point, located on IL-47 just south of the “Chief” at 1404 S Division was made possible by a federally funded Recreational Trails Program Grant (RTP) administered through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR). Originally, […]
State Superintendent urges districts to prioritize safety after IHSA decision on basketball
State Superintendent of Education Dr. Carmen Ayala wrote to superintendents and principals throughout Illinois Wednesday night, urging them to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff as they approach their decision on whether or not to participate in the IHSA basketball season in 2020-21. “We recognize the value […]
IESA to follow IDPH youth sport guidance, for now
The Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) released a statement after the IHSA decided to move forward with high school basketball despite IDPH guidelines Wednesday. “Earlier today, the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) held a special meeting of their Board of Directors,” Executive Director Steve Endsley wrote.. “During their meeting, the […]
IHSA to allow basketball to begin Nov. 16, wrestling moved to summer
The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) will allow high school basketball practices to begin on Nov. 16 despite changes to youth sport guidelines that moved basketball into the high-risk category Tuesday. Boys and girls basketball programs will be allowed 31 games beginning Nov. 30. As a part of the mitigation […]
Illinois High School Basketball season put on hold
One day before the IHSA board will meet to discuss the fate of winter sports, the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) elevated the sport of basketball from a medium risk level to a high-risk level. Basketball practices were scheduled to start on Nov. 16 and games on Nov. 30. […]
Mahomet-Seymour Fieldhouse to open for morning hours
Beginning Monday, November 2, the Mahomet-Seymour High School Fieldhouse will open for walkers and joggers (only) from 5:30am – 7:00am. The facility will be open Monday thru Friday when school is in session and users will be required to sign-in, wear an appropriate face covering, and maintain social distancing.
Funds for Champaign County Forest Preserve to bridge past with future
Elections often connect the past to the future. The Champaign County Forest Preserve Referendum is no different. CCFPD has not had a voter-approved tax increase in its 72-year history. Yet, Champaign County forest preserve lands have increased from 260 acres to the 4,000 acres of forests, prairies, wetlands, and waterways […]
One teacher and two students test positive for COVID-19
A teacher at Middletown Prairie and two students at Mahomet-Seymour High School have tested positive for COVID-19. Superintendent Lindsey Hall sent a letter to all parents in the district Monday afternoon as two staff members and 22 students will be quarantined at Middletown Prairie and 1 staff member and 6 […]
IDPH releases COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan
The Illinois Department of Public Health released plans to distribute a coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available. The treatment will be free of charge to state residents seeking to be inoculated against COVID-19. “There will not be a cost to individuals for the vaccine, although providers may charge a small […]