Author: Capitol News


Second state lawmaker files suit against Pritzker stay-at-home order

Cabello’s case seeks relief for all Illinois residents By REBECCA ANZELCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — A second Republican state representative on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against Gov. JB Pritzker alleging he overstepped his authority in ordering Illinoisans to stay at home to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. The […]


Pritzker blasts lawmaker exempted from stay-at-home order by court

State reports record 144 coronavirus deaths in past 24 hours By BEN ORNERCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker on Tuesday denounced a state representative from southern Illinois, calling the lawsuit that defeated his stay-at-home order in court “a cheap political stunt.” Referring to state Rep. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, […]


Illinois Attorney General to appeal judge’s ruling halting stay-at-home order against lawmaker

Another Republican representative will file a near-identical lawsuit By REBECCA ANZEL Capitol News SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Attorney General’s office filed a notice to appeal a downstate judge’s ruling releasing one Republican representative from the governor’s executive orders, according to court documents. Xenia Republican Rep. Darren Bailey alleged in […]


Lawmaker sues Pritzker, alleges improper use of emergency powers

Governor’s state of emergency should last for only 30 days, according to lawsuit By REBECCA ANZELCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker’s state of emergency should have expired April 8, an Illinois lawmaker says in a lawsuit, rendering improper his subsequent actions related to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Republican […]


Illinois surpasses testing goal, unveiling new daily high of COVID-19 cases

State reports 2,724 new cases, 108 additional deaths By BEN ORNERCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — Illinois surpassed a long-stated benchmark of 10,000 daily completed tests for COVID-19, state officials announced Friday. Gov. JB Pritzker called the testing of more than 16,000 people in the past day, “a very important milestone” […]


Illinois rents fleet of refrigerated trailers as COVID-19 morgue contingency

By BEN ORNERCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — Illinois has rented a fleet of refrigerated semi-truck trailers to store the bodies of deceased COVID-19 patients in case morgues become filled to capacity, according to a spokesperson for the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. The “more than 20” trailers made available by the […]

Local State of Illinois

Another 102K Illinoisans file first-time jobless claims amid COVID-19 pandemic

By PETER HANCOCKCapitol News SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Employment Security said Thursday that 4.4 million Americans filed first-time unemployment claims during the week that ended April 18, including 102,936 workers in Illinois. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 520,227 workers in Illinois, or 8.2 percent of […]


Illinois reports largest daily increases in COVID-19 cases, tests

New testing gets state closer to daily goal with 9,349 test results reported; 2,049 new cases By BEN ORNERCapitol News SPRINGFIELD – Illinois health officials reported the state’s largest one-day increase of COVID-19 cases and tests results Wednesday as Gov. JB Pritzker announced two new drive-thru testing facilities. The […]