The American Legion Post 1015 honoredĀ flags that had served their purpose on June 14 with an Unserviceable Flag Ceremony.
Flag Day commemorates June 14, 1777 when the United States adopted the flag of the United States of America. President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation in 1949 that June 14 would officially be Flag Day. In 1949 Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress.
Each year, during the week of June 14 the President will urges all American citizens and government buildings to fly the American flag.
Many communities around the nation hold parades or festivals. The American Legion Post 1015 in Mahomet honored the flag by disposing of used flags with respect. According to Federal Code, the flags were placed in a fire large enough to consume the entire flag. Those in attendance observedĀ a small ceremony recognizing the flags and listening to a prayer by the Legion Chaplin before the flags were laid to rest.