
Ameren Illinois to continue moratorium on disconnections through March

With cooling temperatures and high unemployment rates due to the coronavirus, Ameren Illinois is suspending disconnections for the winter months. 

Effective Nov. 13, Amerern Illinois suspended disconnections for the winter months through March 31, 2021.

Customers are still encouraged to continue to pay whatever they can afford in order to avoid falling too far behind on their energy bills  through the end of 2020 and into 2021. 

“Even though we will not disconnect service for non-payment, it is still important for our customers to take action to ensure that they do not accumulate debt that will be too difficult to repay,” said Richard J. Mark, Chairman and President, Ameren Illinois. “Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, we have offered temporary relief measures, repayment plans up to two years, and more than $9 million in bill payment assistance. We continue to stress the need for customers experiencing difficulty paying their bills to call us and explore available funding resources and payment arrangements to get back on track.”

Ameren offers financial assistance and payment options to help. To learn more visit ameren.com/illinois/residential/energy-assistance/recovery.

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