
A Letter to the Students in Neon

unnamedA letter to the students in neon,

You don’t know me. I am an old has-been cheerleader from MSHS past.

Back in the olden days us cheerleaders spent countless hours coloring posters to make sure all the students knew where our games were and what time to be there. We couldn’t tweet “wear neon” and Instagram wasn’t flooded with selfies prior to the big game.

A lot was different, but a lot was the same. We wanted to win, and we wanted to feel like we were a part of something.

Cheers to you guys for accomplishing both of those things. I love seeing a huge, loud crowd supporting your team. The community has watched you come together for Coaches vs Cancer or when Nick Hellmer lost his dad and we all swelled with pride.

Guess what? I have bad news. We also see you cursing at the referees, chanting garbage, and drowning out your opponents cheerleaders.

I just want to remind you who is watching you from across the court:

-A Mom and Dad with four little boys that dream of being on that court one day.
-Your Teachers who taught you how to count and read.
-The Administrative staff that carefully administered your medication for you until you were old enough to do it yourself.
-Your coaches that politely told you it was time to start wearing deodorant.
-The Janitorial staff that cleaned up the gum you stuck under your desk and the puke that didn’t quite make it to the trash can.
-Your teachers from your Junior High days when your teeth were too big for your face, and you back talked every opportunity you had.
-Your parents who are getting ready to drop the bank on tuition so you can fulfill your dreams of being XYZ just to say whoopsie I change my mind I want to do something else.
-Tons of young Bulldogs that could not sit still at school during the day because they were so excited to go to the big kid game.
-My husband, one of many Bulldog basketball alumni, that would be lying if he said he wasn’t fighting the urge to lace up and get in the game.
-Your future employers, realtors, pastors, bank lenders, nurses…and believe it or not, maybe even your in laws, students, your kids teachers…woah I will stop.
From one side of the stands to the other, you are amazing people that are experiencing something big.  It matters and you deserve to have fun and WIN. Do not be the spoiled, privileged punks that those in other communities accuse you of being. Be the bright and spirited leaders that you are. The kind of people this side of the bleachers has raised you to be. Ready or not, you’re being looked up to. Continue to make us proud!





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