Dear MAYC Families-
MAYC understands there is a lot of impact on Mahomet families due to COVID-19 and the related closings and we want to help as much as possible!
As we all know things are rapidly changing around us, so please keep an eye out for additional communications from us and don’t hesitate to reach out to me or our new Program Director, Dustin Sears. We planned to introduce Dustin to families over spring break, so if you haven’t already met him or don’t know him, check out the introductory video here.
MAYC Commitments
- MAYC will be assessing the needs of MAYC families through phone calls and an online survey (click here), now and in the weeks to come. ** Please complete the online survey as soon as possible and feel free to share**
- MAYC will be tracking existing and emerging resources and sharing with MAYC families.
- MAYC will focus on connecting and staying connected. MAYC has developed a Facebook Group called MAYC Connects that will be a resource for families in a variety of ways.
- MAYC will develop and share existing online programming that is both in support of fun and learning (check the MAYC Connects group for this).
- MAYC will continue to be available for feedback from families. You may always contact me at this email or my cell: 217-778-3351 or Dustin at or cell: (931) 591-8724.
Below are some of the resources we can share right now…
Although we can’t be open for programming, we can make connections between families who need childcare options and our qualified and familiar staff. If you are interested in connecting with our staff to help you with childcare over the next couple weeks (or months), please let us know through the survey or via email. ***NOTE: THIS IS NOT A MAYC FUNDED PROGRAM***
- Parents will be responsible for paying the MAYC staff just like you would a babysitter. These wages should be agreed upon PRIOR to the childcare occurring.
- Please be considerate of our staff who are missing their own normal wages and income because of this situation.
- MAYC is not responsible or liable for anything that occurs outside of our building and programming
- Please be transparent and clear about expectations, for example if you want the child care provider to help with school work, please specify that.
The MS School District will be providing FREE MEALS(breakfast/lunch) to any child between March 23rd and March 30th, 2020. Food pick up will be at Lincoln Trail and Middletown Prairie Elementary Schools for all families from 10:00 a.m. to noon. This is a drive up service–on the east side of Middletown Prairie and in parking lot of Lincoln Trail.
Please fill out this Meal Request Google Form, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, to request meals and delivery if needed. Your responses are needed to plan for food preparation. ANY CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF 18 OR IN OUR ATLAS PROGRAM IS ELIGIBLE. Children do not need to be students of the Mahomet-Seymour CUSD #3 Schools. Link to the Google form:
Mahomet Helping Hands: the monthly food distribution is this Saturday, March 21, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Helping Hands is located at 203 E. Adams Street in Mahomet.
Mom’s Pantry: distribution of non perishable food items and personal hygiene products is Sunday March 22, 2020 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Mom’s Pantry is located in the CAIR center behind Mahomet-Seymour High School by the football field.
Do you need help getting to these food distributions? Please let us know, so we can work on finding support for that. FinancialAmeren: Effective immediately, Ameren is suspending all disconnections for non-payment and forgiving any late payment fees for residential and business customers. Normal billing for customers’ usage will continue as usual but if you are having difficulty paying your bill, please contact our Customer Care team or go to Illinois payment assistance page to learn about your options.
Comcast: Company Opens Xfinity WiFi Network Nationally for Free, Offers Unlimited Data for Free, Confirms Its Commitment to Connecting Low-Income Families
Cell phone providers: Check with yours, many have ways to support customers right now.
Help others
If you wish to donate to help local families, here are some ways:
- Donate items to Mom’s Pantry from 9-noon and 5-7 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2020.
- Donate to the Give me 5 food program at:
- Donate to a fund supporting local social service providers like MAYC that has been organized by the United Way and East Central Illinois Community Foundation. To donate, visit or
- Reach out to your neighbors, colleagues and friends and see what they need.
We really hope that you will reach out if you need anything. We are a community organization and we are here to serve the community!!
Stay safe,
Sara Balgoyen
Executive Director
Mahomet Area Youth Club