Month: February 2024


Bulldogs wins 10th Regional Championship

By FRED KRONER Three Mahomet-Seymour wrestlers won championships in their weight classes on Saturday (Feb. 3) in the Mattoon IHSA Class 2A Regional tournament. The Bulldogs’ titlists were senior Lukas Alstetter (1-0 at 106 pounds), senior Gage Decker (2-0 at 157 pounds) and junior Brock VanDeveer (2-0 at 190 […]


Mahomet Family Dentistry Athlete of the Week: TNT Firecrackers

With basketball season in full swing, the TNT Firecrackers have joined the action, bringing the Mahomet-Seymour community together.  On Jan. 21, the Firecrackers demonstrated their exceptional skills and sportsmanship during a Regional Basketball Skills Competition at Middletown Prairie Elementary. The Firecrackers went on to play against rival Effingham Lightning at […]