Month: June 2023


Mahomet Family Dentistry Athlete of the Week: Champaign County Communities TNT Firecrackers

The Champaign County Communities TNT Firecrackers participated in the 2023 Special Olympics Summer Games in Bloomington on June 9. Several athletes from the Mahomet and St. Joseph communities were recognized for their accomplishments. From Mahomet: Preston Hodges received Gold in Powerlifting Bench Press Gold and Silver in DeadLift  Kinley Woods […]


Stalled bills include repeal of subminimum wage for disabled workers, BIPA reform

By CAPITOL NEWS SPRINGFIELD – While hundreds of bills cleared the General Assembly in the final month of the legislative session, some big-ticket measures will have to wait until at least the fall. Sponsors of several stalled bills say they will consider reviving their proposals when lawmakers return to […]