Month: October 2022


Letter to the Editor: Support for Sam Limentato

By David Lemons Dear Editor, Judge Sam Limentato is an outstanding Circuit Court Judge in Champaign County. He was appointed to the circuit court in Champaign unanimously by the Illinois Supreme Court two years ago. The Illinois State Bar Association has given Judge Limentato 95% or higher in each of these categories:  integrity (97.9%), impartiality, temperament, […]


Citizens for Bulldog Blueprint PAC report released, board votes down motion to not meet with vendors at IASB Conference

By Dani Tietz Donations and expenditures of Citizens for Bulldog Blueprint from July 1 to Sept 30 were released recently by the Illinois Board of Elections. This political action committee was formed to support the June 28  Mahomet-Seymour School District referendum for $97.9 million.  It does not appear that this […]