Month: June 2022


Public Notice Additions, Renovations and New Facilities for Mahomet-Seymour CUSD #3 1301 S. Bulldog Dr. Mahomet, IL 61853

The Board of Education of Mahomet – Seymour CUSD #3 (hereinafter also  referred to as “M-S #3”, “District” and “Owner”) is requesting proposals for the  services of a Construction Manager as Constructor. The purpose of this Request  for Qualifications (RFQ) is to identify those firms most capable of delivering the  […]


Touch a Truck at Barber Park this Saturday

Does your child want to touch a truck? From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. this Saturday (June 11), children will be able to climb into, on and around police cars, firetrucks, tractors, snowplows, and other construction vehicles during the Mahomet Parks and Recreation’s Touch a Truck event at Barber Park. This event […]