20/21 Semester 2 Honor Roll 9th grade Avery S. Allen Savannah C. Amatyleon Evan R. Anderson Brooke A. Arnett Jacob T. Atteberry Abigail L. Bachar Kylie D. Beard Niccolo M. Bellini Brinley F. Benson Alec R. Berg Alec K. Bergman Declan M. Brewer Noah M. Butler Olivia R. Chalk Henry […]
Month: June 2021
Fourth-quarter Mahomet-Seymour Junior High Honor Roll
High Honor Roll 6th Grade Allen, Norah K. Allison, Bree J. Almaroad, Bella M. Andrawes, Jonathan Andrawes, Rachel Bailey, Naia A. Baker, Jackson C. Bao, William W. Benway, Coy P. Blue, Abbie N. Brauer, Nicolas D. Bryan, Cash O. Busch, Emma M. Busch, Landon J. Campion, Silas J. Chappell, Kelly […]
CCFPD to hold Freedom Fest Celebration on July 2
The Champaign County Forest Preserve has announced that it will resume its annual Fourth of July celebration on July 2 at Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve in Mahomet. The gates will open at 4 p.m. and the fireworks display will take place at approximately 9:15 p.m. Admission is $2 […]
Second meeting in Bulldog Blueprint series next week
The Mahomet-Seymour School District will host the second Bulldog Blueprint meeting on in-person on June 8 or virtually June 9 or 10. The Community Engagement series is focused on providing the community with information about the state of the Mahomet-Seymour School District facilities. The district plans to put forward a […]
Both houses pass election bill postponing 2022 primary to June
By RAYMON TRONCOSOCapitol News Illinoisrtroncoso@capitolnewsillinois.com SPRINGFIELD – Lawmakers passed an omnibus elections bill Monday that would push back the date of the 2022 primary elections amid other major changes to the state’s election code. The 156-page omnibus bill, an amendment to Senate Bill 825 filed by Rep. Maurice West, D-Rockford, would also […]
Lawmakers pass $42.3 billion budget after 2 a.m.
By PETER HANCOCKCapitol News Illinoisphancock@capitolnewsillinois.com SPRINGFIELD – Illinois lawmakers worked into the early hours of Tuesday morning to pass a $42.3 billion state budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year that Democrats say would fully fund K-12 education and the state’s pension obligations while also paying down a sizeable portion […]
Lawmakers pass stricter ethics standards, some Republicans say they’re watered down
By TIM KIRSININKASCapitol News Illinoistkirsininkas@capitolnewsillinois.com SPRINGFIELD – Shortly after 1 a.m. Tuesday, the Illinois Senate passed a bill aiming to improve ethics standards for elected officials after it was filed just hours earlier. An amendment to Senate Bill 539, introduced by Sen. Ann Gillespie, D-Arlington Heights, passed with bipartisan approval despite […]
2021 Mahomet-Seymour Graduation: Christie Clinic Photos
Christie Clinic brings photos from the 2021 Mahomet-Seymour graduation ceremony. To view all the photos visit: https://mahometdaily.smugmug.com/2021-Mahomet-Seymour-graduation/.