Out-of-Township (Vote for 1) Justin Lamb: The role of the school board is to set policies for the district. The board should let the administrators and teachers control the day-to-day operations in the schools. Patrick MacKay: The board is responsible for district wide governance. The board is also responsible for […]
Month: February 2021
From your perspective, talk about the district’s financial health, and what path you would like to see the district take in the next 5 years.
Out-of-Township (Vote for 1) Patrick MacKay: Based on conversations with constituents, the district’s financial health is an important issue for many people. While I believe the past should be examined because it informs our future, it is the future that we must concern ourselves with. We need a comprehensive 5-year […]
With continued residential growth within the Mahomet-Seymour boundaries, and schools that are overcrowded, what role should the board play in decision-making for both the immediate issues and planning down the road?
In-Township (Vote for 2) Sunny McMurry: The district needs to work within their financial means while also making a plan for the future of our district with the support of the board and input from the community, teachers and staff. Thankfully, the community engagement group for facilities planning has finally […]
What is the school board’s role in addressing diversity? What goals and policies do you think should be in place to address equity and inclusion?
In-Township (Vote for 2) Rebecca Richardson: Diversity is a fancy word for differences. We have them; we always have had them. Eye color, hair color, presence or absence of freckles and birthmarks, hand dominance, height and weight are all examples of diversity. There was a time in our country when […]
What should our school district be doing to ensure the safety of students and staff?
Out-of-Township (Vote for 1) Justin Lamb: The Mahomet Police Department and Cornbelt Fire Department provide outstanding assistance in the districts training and drills. Having a SRO in our schools is huge plus. Patrick MacKay: As parents we trust our schools to provide a safe and secure environment for learning and […]
What role should teachers have in the vision of the district? What should the relationship between the board and the teachers be?
Out-of-Township (Vote for 1) Patrick MacKay: Teachers need to be engaged and active participants in determining and defining the vision of the district. As a board, we can start with something as simple and just sitting down to listen. That’s the least we can do when they’ve filled the role […]
How should the board communicate (either in giving information or listening) with the public?
In-Township (Vote for 1) Rebecca Richardson: The community is the ultimate customer of the school district, so it should have considerable input. Those elected are community members who represent their constituents, so it is important to develop transparency and trust with the community and to ensure all business with few […]
What do you see as the role of technology in education?
In-Township (Vote for 2) Max McComb: Technology is key. The use and understanding of technology is critical. Nothing points to this more than the last 12 months during the pandemic. Fortunately under the leadership of Superintendent Rick Johnston and continuing with Dr. Hall, our board invested in significant infrastructure and […]
What two to three issues would you like to see the board of education tackle in the next four years?
Out-Of-Township (Vote for 1) Justin Lamb: A more clear vision for accommodating the rapid growth of our community. Fortunately, our district has a facilitating team working on this. “Bulldog Blueprint” is a team consisting of community members who will help define the priorities and goals for resource allocation, facilities and […]
What are two to three strengths of which our district can be proud? Why do you see these as strengths?
In-Township (Vote for 2) Laura Lang: Generations have built a long-standing educational tradition of excellence in our schools. One can easily look around our district and see the amazing educators and community members of the past who have sacrificed and gifted their talents to our schools. Our strength is in […]