Month: February 2021


Lame Duck Look Back: Feasibility of body camera mandate

By RAYMON TRONCOSOCapitol News SPRINGFIELD – An omnibus criminal justice bill passed by the General Assembly last month would, if signed by the governor, mandate all Illinois law enforcement agencies to use body cameras. The legislation, contained in House Bill 3653, would amend the state’s 2015 Law Enforcement Officer-Worn […]


First-time jobless claims drop sharply

By PETER HANCOCKCapitol News SPRINGFIELD – First-time unemployment claims in Illinois dropped sharply in the last week of January as most regions in the state slowly began reopening following the latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Illinois Department of Employment Security reported Thursday that 40,008 workers filed initial claims for […]


Mahomet Area Youth Club Auction March 6

The Mahomet Area Youth Club stepped up for families in Mahomet in the whirlwind of 2020. Now, the club needs the community’s support.  In uncertain times, MAYC adapted and stepped up, providing summer care for children whose parents needed to work. Then, as schools re-opened, the club served junior high […]